go about造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:02:23


go about造句

  • 1、How do wego about doing this?(那我們應該怎樣做呢?) Hao86.com
  • 2、The way yougo about purchasing an article or a service can actually save you money or can add to the cost.(你購買商品或服務的方式實際上可以為你省錢或增加成本。)
  • 3、So how do yougo about improving your memory?(那么,你如何開始改善記憶力呢?)
  • 4、How do theygo about their business?(這些創(chuàng)新者們是如何經(jīng)營自己的事業(yè)的?)
  • 5、I mustgo about my business.(我必須忙我自己的事。)
  • 6、Some peoplego about telling untrue stories.(某些人到處傳播不真實的事。)
  • 7、I want to learn English but I don't know the best way togo about it, so I hope you can give me some suggestions.(我想學英語,但我不知道怎么樣學最好,所以我想請你給我一些建議。)
  • 8、How do Igo about renewing my passport?(我該如何去續(xù)簽護照?)
  • 9、So how do wego about solving these problems?(那我們該如何解決這些問題呢?)
  • 10、You know mighty well people don'tgo about that ha'nted house in the day nor the night.(你很清楚,那間鬧鬼的房子,白天黑夜都不會有人去的。)
  • 11、How do theygo about getting it?(他們?nèi)绾稳サ玫剿嘘P?)
  • 12、How should Igo about finding a job?(我該怎樣著手找工作呢?)
  • 13、How do wego about choosing a good HMO?(我們?nèi)绾沃诌x擇一個好的健康維護組織呢?)
  • 14、How did yougo about making this marvellous acquisition then?(那么你是怎么著手進行這宗不可思議的購置的?)
  • 15、How did hego about answering those questions?(那么他是怎樣回答那些問題的呢?)
  • 16、He is not entirely clear on how he willgo about it.(他不完全清楚要如何著手做這件事。)
  • 17、How can yougo about simplifying your work?(那么怎么能簡化你的工作呢?)
  • 18、Is this the best way togo about it?(這是它想出的最好方法么?)
  • 19、The Vroom model emphasizes the participative dimension of leadership: how leadersgo about making decisions.(弗魯姆模型強調(diào)領導力的參與性維度:領導者如何進行決策。)
  • 20、How did he thengo about actually setting up the business?(他實際上是如何開始建立自己的公司的呢?)
  • 21、As to the ideological work, we should nevergo about impetuously.(對于思想工作,千萬不可操切從事。)
  • 22、Igo about selecting a few rocks.(我著手選擇一些石頭。)
  • 23、Here are some pointers on how togo about the writing task.(關于這項寫作任務,以下有幾點建議。)
  • 24、How do Igo about changing?(我該如何去改變呢?)
  • 25、So how do yougo about building guanxi?(那么應該如何建立關系網(wǎng)呢?)
  • 26、Peretti says the Times shouldn't waste time getting out of the print business, but only if theygo about doing it the right way.(佩雷蒂說,《紐約時報》不應該把時間浪費在終止印刷業(yè)務上,除非他們采取正確的方式。)
  • 27、I want togo about like the light-footed goats!(我要像步履輕快的山羊一樣到處走!)
  • 28、I want him back, but I just don't know how togo about it.(我希望他回來,可我就是不知道怎么去做這件事。)
  • 29、If so, how do yougo about teaching somebody?(如果是這樣的話,那么你是如何教給某人呢?)

go about基本釋義

go about

英 [ɡ?u ??baut] 美 [ɡo ??ba?t] 
著手做; 處理; 四處走動