
come down造句

come down造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:00:37


come down造句

  • 1、Can youcome down, please?(麻煩你下來好嗎?)
  • 2、Physical and ideological barriers hadcome down in Eastern Europe.(物質(zhì)和意識形態(tài)上的障礙在東歐都已減少。)
  • 3、The name hascome down from the last century.(這名稱是從上個世紀(jì)流傳下來的。)
  • 4、We were forced tocome down in a field.(我們被迫降落在田野里。)
  • 5、No, I'llcome down.(不,還是我會下來的。)
  • 6、come down, I say.(快下來,我說。)
  • 7、come down from there!(給我下來!)
  • 8、Bill's got tocome down the chimney, has he?(比爾要從煙囪里下來了,是嗎?)
  • 9、Interest rates shouldcome down.(利率應(yīng)下降。)
  • 10、come down, please.(請下來吧。)
  • 11、It's allcome down to this—a Cinderella story.(這一切都?xì)w結(jié)于此——一個灰姑娘的故事。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 12、Can Icome down now?(現(xiàn)在我可以下來了嗎?)
  • 13、I'llcome down in a second.(我馬上就下來。)
  • 14、German interest rates willcome down before long.(德國的利率不久就會降下來。)
  • 15、I'llcome down to open the door for you.(我下去給你開門。)
  • 16、Theycome down from the sky.(他們從天上飛下來。)
  • 17、come down, all of you.(你們都下來。)
  • 18、Clouds hadcome down and it was starting to drizzle.(云壓了下來,開始下起了毛毛雨。)
  • 19、When youcome down to it, however, the basic problems of life have not changed.(然而,歸結(jié)起來,生活的基本問題并未改變。)
  • 20、Baby will alsocome down.(寶貝也會跟著掉下來。)
  • 21、Has his temperaturecome down?(他的熱度退了嗎?)
  • 22、Why have youcome down here?(你為什么下來這里?)
  • 23、come down quickly, can't you?(快點(diǎn)下來,可以嗎?)
  • 24、While these goods go up, other goodscome down.(這些貨物上來,另一些貨物下去。)
  • 25、Right. What I want now is two volunteers tocome down to the front.(對了。我現(xiàn)在需要的就是兩個自告奮勇者到前面來。)
  • 26、It's amazing how much computers havecome down in price over the past few years.(過去這幾年,電腦的價(jià)格大大降低,簡直令人驚訝。)
  • 27、Since then it may havecome down to $50 billion.(從那時(shí)起,它的價(jià)值可能已經(jīng)下降到500億美元。)
  • 28、Why don't youcome down to live among us again?(你為什么不下來和我們一起住呢?)
  • 29、Then, slowly, the kite started tocome down.(然后,慢慢地,風(fēng)箏開始下降。)
  • 30、Price didn'tcome down.(價(jià)格沒降下來。)

come down基本釋義

come down

英 [k?m daun] 美 [k?m da?n] 