add up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:05:25


add up造句

  • 1、The Numbers simply don'tadd up.(數(shù)字不會(huì)簡(jiǎn)單地加起來(lái)。)
  • 2、add up all the income you've received over the period in question.(把相關(guān)時(shí)期內(nèi)你獲得的所有收入加起來(lái)。)
  • 3、You have a nice grid pattern and you can use a city block metric toadd up the number of blocks between people's doors.(你有一個(gè)很好的網(wǎng)格模式,你可以使用一個(gè)城市街區(qū)的度量來(lái)增加人們之間的街區(qū)數(shù)量。)
  • 4、When you're feeding a family of six the bills soonadd up.(你要養(yǎng)活一家六口,開(kāi)支很快就大起來(lái)了。)
  • 5、The waiter can'tadd up.(這個(gè)服務(wù)員不會(huì)算賬。)
  • 6、In general, pull factorsadd up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin.(一般來(lái)說(shuō),促使因素疊加顯然比原產(chǎn)地提供的條件更易獲得良好的生活和物質(zhì)福利。)
  • 7、Many small victoriesadd up to a big one.(積小勝為大勝。)
  • 8、This is hopeless. These figures still don'tadd up right. Let's do the calculations over again.(這是沒(méi)有希望的。這些數(shù)字加起來(lái)還是不對(duì)。讓我們?cè)僦厮阋槐椤?
  • 9、His story just doesn'tadd up.(他說(shuō)的情況根本不合情理。)
  • 10、The figuresadd up to 592.(這些數(shù)累計(jì)起來(lái)是592。)
  • 11、It's the tiny, gradual improvements thatadd up to world-beating results.(這些微小的、漸進(jìn)的改進(jìn)累積起來(lái)就產(chǎn)生了一流的成果。)
  • 12、add up the figures in this column.(把這一欄的數(shù)字合計(jì)一下。)
  • 13、Perhaps you are a poor speller or cannotadd up a column of figures.(也許是你的拼寫(xiě)能力太差了,又或許是你不會(huì)把縱列數(shù)字相加。)
  • 14、The women doctors and women nurses in the hospitaladd up to two hundred and five.(這個(gè)醫(yī)院的女醫(yī)生、女護(hù)士共計(jì)二百零五人。)
  • 15、add up all the money I owe you.(把我欠你的錢(qián)全部加起來(lái)。)
  • 16、What does this alladd up to?(所有這些分析的結(jié)論是什么?)
  • 17、For a hit show, profits canadd up to millions of dollars.(對(duì)于一個(gè)熱門(mén)節(jié)目,利潤(rùn)可達(dá)上百萬(wàn)美元。)
  • 18、Police said they arrested Olivia because her statements did notadd up.(警方說(shuō)他們逮捕了奧麗維婭,因?yàn)樗年愂霾缓虾跚槔怼?
  • 19、As he rode home, he glanced at the poster near his seat in the bus. Small acts of kindnessadd up.(駕車(chē)回家的路上,他瞥了一眼自己公交車(chē)座位旁邊的海報(bào),上面寫(xiě)著:小小的善舉積少成多。)
  • 20、On the face of it that seems to make sense. But the figures don'tadd up.(乍一看,那好像講得通。但是數(shù)字對(duì)不上。)
  • 21、The solution—set priorities,add up the annual cost of each item, then consider what else she could buy with the same money.(解決方案是:設(shè)定優(yōu)先順序,把每件物品的年度成本加起來(lái),然后考慮用同樣的錢(qián)她還能買(mǎi)到什么。)
  • 22、When youadd up the money at the bottom of the page, carry the total over onto the next page.(當(dāng)你把這一頁(yè)底部的錢(qián)加起來(lái)時(shí),把總數(shù)寫(xiě)到下一頁(yè)。)
  • 23、The three accountsadd up to 65,000 yuan.(這三筆賬歸并起來(lái)是六萬(wàn)五千元。)
  • 24、The current from these parallel generators willadd up to make a total flow of 500 amperes.(這些并聯(lián)的發(fā)電機(jī)的電流會(huì)累積在一起,總電流達(dá)到500安培。)
  • 25、The numbersadd up to exactly 100.(這些數(shù)字的總數(shù)恰好是100。)
  • 26、Pleaseadd up these figures immediately and tell me the answer.(請(qǐng)立刻把這些數(shù)字加起來(lái)并告訴我答案。)
  • 27、The statistics do notadd up.(統(tǒng)計(jì)的數(shù)字加不起來(lái)。)
  • 28、add up the grocery bills.(把雜貨賬單加起來(lái)。)
  • 29、Even small savings, 5 cents here or 10 cents there, canadd up.(即使少量的節(jié)省,這兒5美分那兒10美分,也能積少成多。)

add up基本釋義

add up

英 [?d ?p] 美 [?d ?p] 
加起來(lái); 總計(jì); 說(shuō)的通