come by造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 12:12:18


come by造句

  • 1、In 1955, it's a little hard tocome by.(在1955年,想得到它確實有一點困難。)
  • 2、I willcome by tomorrow afternoon.(明天下午我再來。)
  • 3、Did youcome by the nearest road?(你是由最近的路來的嗎?)
  • 4、This medicinal herb is hard tocome by.(這種草藥很難得。)
  • 5、How did youcome by that scratch on your cheek?(你臉頰上的抓傷是怎么來的?)
  • 6、Raw materials and labourcome by ship , rail or road.(從水上、鐵路和公路運來原料和工人。) 【好工具】
  • 7、I'llcome by tomorrow around this time.(明天的這個時候我會來找你的。)
  • 8、Would you be free tocome by then?(到時你有時間過來嗎?)
  • 9、General (free) support is very hard tocome by.(普通(免費)支持將來也會很困難。)
  • 10、But good jobs are hard tocome by in the Delta.(但是在三角洲地區(qū),想找一份好工作還是很困難。)
  • 11、It's not because fresh ingredients are hard tocome by.(這并不是因為新鮮的食材很難買到。)
  • 12、Jobs are hard tocome by these days.(如今找工作很難。)
  • 13、Nine times out of ten he wouldcome by train.(他十之八九乘火車來。)
  • 14、Can youcome by and pick them up?(你們能過來取一趟嗎?)
  • 15、Do youcome by bike?(你是騎自行車來的嗎?)
  • 16、Is it okay if Icome by myself?(我獨自來行嗎?)
  • 17、How many pupilscome by car?(有多少小學生是坐小汽車來的?)
  • 18、Scarcely were they up, than who shouldcome by but the very rogues they were looking for.(他們剛爬上去,他們要找的那些流氓就出現(xiàn)了。)
  • 19、They're really hard tocome by.(搞到手挺難的。)
  • 20、A broad-shouldered man was just loading up large bags, which hadcome by the train.(一個肩膀?qū)掗煹哪腥苏诎褟幕疖嚿线\來的大袋子往車上搬。)
  • 21、I had a studentcome by yesterday and ask he's a little rusty in his math skills if he should take this course.(昨天有個學生來問我,他的數(shù)學技能有點生疏了,是否應該選這門課。)
  • 22、How did youcome by that cheque?(你怎么得到那張支票的?)
  • 23、I'llcome by this evening and pick up the books.(我今晚過來取書。)
  • 24、Icome by bike.(我是騎自行車來的。)
  • 25、The sightseers whocome by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.(坐巴士來的觀光客通常會順便游覽華威城堡和布倫海姆宮,但他們通常不會去看戲,有些人發(fā)現(xiàn)斯特拉特福德有劇院時甚至會感到驚訝。)
  • 26、Shall Icome by early to help you get ready?(我提早一點來,幫忙準備宴會好嗎?)

come by基本釋義

come by

英 [k?m bai] 美 [k?m ba?] 
從旁邊走過; 得到; 獲得;經(jīng)過,過來