abide by造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 12:12:23


abide by造句

  • 1、The rules of the race lay out certain regulations which each musher mustabide by.(比賽規(guī)則制定了特定的管理辦法,每位駕駛者都必須遵守。)
  • 2、Above all, everyone mustabide by the law.(首要的是,每個(gè)人都必須遵守法律。)
  • 3、It is parents' responsibilities to make sure their childrenabide by the law.(確保孩子們遵守法律是父母的責(zé)任。)
  • 4、Commissioned persons shallabide by the various provisions on taxpayers in this chapter.(接受委托的人應(yīng)當(dāng)遵守本章對(duì)納稅義務(wù)人的各項(xiàng)規(guī)定。)
  • 5、Internet companies doing business in China shouldabide by China's laws and regulations.(互聯(lián)網(wǎng)公司若要在中國(guó)經(jīng)營(yíng),就要遵守中國(guó)的有關(guān)法律和規(guī)定。)
  • 6、So I'llabide by that here.(因此,我在此也得遵守這個(gè)規(guī)矩。)
  • 7、If you join the club, you have toabide by its rules.(如果你參加俱樂(lè)部,你就得遵守它的規(guī)章。)
  • 8、Does Chinaabide by "global norms"?(中國(guó)真的愿意服從“全球規(guī)則”嗎?)
  • 9、You have toabide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party a.(你必須遵從本合同中列出的對(duì)甲方的所有要求。)
  • 10、Others who want to use the service mustabide by the interface specification.(想要使用該服務(wù)的其他領(lǐng)域必須遵循接口規(guī)范。)
  • 11、When negotiating with your top, make sure he is willing and able toabide by Rule One.(與你的支配者協(xié)商時(shí),確保他能夠也愿意遵守規(guī)則一。)
  • 12、If you make a promise,abide by it.(你如果做出諾言,就要履行諾言。)
  • 13、You won't have to think about them. You'll justabide by them.(你將不必費(fèi)事思考,你只會(huì)遵守它們。)
  • 14、Mr Smith says his firm is more than happy toabide by the rules.(史密斯先生說(shuō),他們公司十分樂(lè)于遵守這樣的規(guī)定。)
  • 15、Rice said Moscow mustabide by its stated promise to halt military operations.(賴(lài)斯說(shuō),莫斯科必須遵守其停止軍事行動(dòng)的承諾。)
  • 16、They have got toabide by the rules.(他們必須要遵守規(guī)定。)
  • 17、On Sunday, he pledged toabide by any ruling by the body.(周日他承諾,將服從該委員會(huì)的任何裁決。)
  • 18、It's crucial toabide by the safety regulations.(遵守安全規(guī)定是至關(guān)重要的。)
  • 19、We refuse toabide by the Geneva Conventions.(我們拒絕接受日內(nèi)瓦公約。)
  • 20、She did notabide by the terms of the agreement.(她沒(méi)有遵守協(xié)議的條款。)
  • 21、We willabide by their decision.(我們?cè)敢庾駨乃麄兊臎Q定。)
  • 22、You are all kindness, Madam; but I believe we mustabide by our original plan.(你真是太好心啦,太太;可惜我們要依照原來(lái)的計(jì)劃行事。)
  • 23、You'll have toabide by the rules of the club.(你必須遵守俱樂(lè)部的規(guī)定。)
  • 24、Otherwise, no one will use it and no one willabide by it.(否則,沒(méi)有人將使用它,也沒(méi)有人會(huì)遵守它。)
  • 25、I personally do not, but I try toabide by a few rules.(我個(gè)人并不這樣,但是我盡力遵守一些規(guī)則。)
  • 26、We are not free agents; weabide by the decisions of our president.(我們不是自由不需負(fù)責(zé)任的人;我們遵守總統(tǒng)的決定。)

abide by基本釋義

abide by

英 [??baid bai] 美 [??ba?d ba?] 