
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:44:06



  • 1、Windmills don'tpollute the environment at all.(風車完全不會污染環(huán)境。)
  • 2、We should protect our water resources and notpollute them.(我們應該保護我們的水資源,不污染它們。)
  • 3、Then it canpollute the natural water in the ground.(然后它可能會污染地下的天然水。)
  • 4、We must not let itpollute the river.(我們必須禁止它污染河流。)
  • 5、Wildfires can cause a lot of smoke, which willpollute the air.(野火會產(chǎn)生大量的煙霧,這些煙霧會污染空氣。)
  • 6、All those electrical gaugespollute the skies, just in a differen way.(所有這些電子儀表都以不同的方式污染了天空。)
  • 7、It is less noisy and does notpollute the air.(它沒有那么吵,也不污染空氣。)
  • 8、It can remain in the environment for many years andpollute large areas of land and water.(它可以在環(huán)境中存留多年,并污染大面積的土地和水。)
  • 9、Are you crazy? That wouldpollute the water!(你瘋了嗎?那會污染水源!)
  • 10、Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license topollute.(科學家說這兩項研究表明,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的某些部分快速反應以減少大氣污染,但這些發(fā)現(xiàn)不應該用作允許污染的理由。)
  • 11、Climbers, however, must be careful not topollute the environment.(然而,攀巖者必須注意不要污染環(huán)境。)
  • 12、They willpollute space now.(現(xiàn)在它們會污染太空。)
  • 13、It maypollute the air and water.(它可能會污染空氣和水。)
  • 14、Topollute means to make things dirty.(污染意味著使事物變臟。)
  • 15、Old batteries can't be discarded casually even when they are no longer useful, because they'llpollute the environment.(舊電池即使沒用了也不能隨意丟棄,因為它們會污染環(huán)境。)
  • 16、That's not to say that it doesn'tpollute.(但不能說它沒有污染。)
  • 17、We canpollute the air with acids, the rivers with sewage, the seas with oil.(我們會用酸污染空氣,用污水污染河流,用石油污染海洋。)
  • 18、Mining wouldpollute the lake and denude the forest.(采礦將會污染湖水并伐光森林。)
  • 19、Bicycling is good exercise; besides, it does notpollute the air.(騎自行車時一種很好的運動,而且,還不污染空氣。)
  • 20、Unlike meat from those filthy places, it will notpollute rivers and streams, deplete groundwater or cause deforestation.(不像來自那些污穢場所的肉,它不會污染河流和小溪,不會大量消耗地下水,也不會引起濫伐森林。)
  • 21、I like the fact that organic farms don't use chemical pesticides or anything that canpollute the soil or the water.(我喜歡有機農(nóng)場不使用化學農(nóng)藥或任何會污染土壤或水的東西。)
  • 22、These substances leak from the rusty barrels andpollute the soil.(這些物質從生銹的桶中滲出,然后污染了土壤。)
  • 23、We should notpollute our rivers with waste.(我們不應讓廢棄物污染我們的河川。) Hao86.com
  • 24、These gasespollute the atmosphere of towns and cities.(這些氣體污染城鎮(zhèn)的空氣。)
  • 25、But they can alsopollute water and air.(但他們也能污染水和空氣。)
  • 26、Those whopollute the earth are you.(那些污染地球的人是你們。)
  • 27、Factoriespollute rivers and ocean.(工廠污染河川與海洋。)
  • 28、Such actions as discharging waste water to rivers not onlypollute the environment but also become a danger to people's health.(像排放污水這樣的行為不僅污染了環(huán)境,還成為了人民健康的威脅。)
  • 29、Now rivers are dirty because some peoplepollute them.(現(xiàn)在的河流很臟,因為有些人污染了河流。)
  • 30、Do notpollute the land where you are.(不要污染你所在之地。)



英 [p??lu:t] 美 [p??lut] 
名詞: polluter 過去式: polluted 過去分詞: polluted 現(xiàn)在分詞: polluting 第三人稱單數(shù): pollutes
