


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:44:04



  • 1、I felt really nervous before theinterview.(面試前我感到惶恐不安。)
  • 2、Theinterview was recorded and then transcribed.(采訪談話先錄了音,然后再抄錄出來。)
  • 3、Several candidates were called for a secondinterview.(幾個候選人被通知去參加第二次面試。)
  • 4、We will take up references after theinterview.(我們在面試之后收推薦信。)
  • 5、I made a real hash of theinterview.(我的面試糟透了。)
  • 6、The originalinterview notes were subsequently lost.(采訪記錄原稿后來丟失了。)
  • 7、Suddenly we were summoned to theinterview room.(突然我們被召喚進了面試室。)
  • 8、She has just taped aninterview.(她剛剛錄制了一次采訪。)
  • 9、They really made me sweat during theinterview.(面試過程中,他們的確使我忐忑不安。)
  • 10、She drew theinterview out to over an hour.(她拖拖沓沓采訪了一個多小時。)
  • 11、Theinterview went well.(面試很順利。)
  • 12、Theinterview was beamed live across America.(那場訪談同步播送至全美。)
  • 13、He can'tinterview people to save his life.(要他的命,他也采訪不了人。)
  • 14、Theinterview came live by satellite from Hollywood.(采訪是通過衛(wèi)星從好萊塢現(xiàn)場傳來的。) hAo86.com
  • 15、A jobinterview is a very artificial situation.(求職面試是一個非常不自然的場面。)
  • 16、The full transcription of theinterview is attached.(現(xiàn)附上采訪記錄文本的全文。)
  • 17、She was always on edge before aninterview.(她在面試前總是緊張不安。)
  • 18、She fluffed herinterview at Harvard.(她把哈佛的面試搞糟了。)
  • 19、Theinterview took place on a Friday afternoon.(該面談是在一個星期五下午進行的。)
  • 20、Thisinterview was conducted under false pretences.(這次采訪是以欺騙手段進行的。)
  • 21、It was a very enlighteninginterview.(那次面談讓人很受啟發(fā)。)
  • 22、She spruced up for theinterview.(她為參加面試打扮了一番。)
  • 23、How did you get on at theinterview?(你面試的情況怎么樣?)
  • 24、You will be asked to present yourself forinterview.(將請你到場面試。)
  • 25、He completely botched up theinterview.(他面試表現(xiàn)得糟透了。)
  • 26、He came over well in theinterview.(他在面試中給人留下了很好的印象。)
  • 27、Theinterview went smoothly.(面談進展順利。)
  • 28、She broke her public silence in a TVinterview.(她接受了一次電視采訪,就此結束了她不在公開場合說話的狀態(tài)。)
  • 29、My whole future is riding on thisinterview.(我的未來全靠這次面試了。)
  • 30、Theinterview went out over the airways.(訪談通過無線電波傳了出去。)



英 [??nt?vju:] 美 [??nt?rvju:] 
形容詞: interviewable 名詞: interviewee 過去式: interviewed 過去分詞: interviewed 現(xiàn)在分詞: interviewing 第三人稱單數(shù): interviews


vt.接見;采訪;對 ... 進行面試
