
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:43:31



  • 1、Stress can become your newpattern.(壓力會成為你的新模式。)
  • 2、The white marble floors were inlaid in a radialpattern of brass.(這些白色大理石地板鑲嵌在銅質(zhì)的放射形圖案中。)
  • 3、This is the center circle of thepattern.(這是圖案的中心圈。)
  • 4、The day followed the usualpattern.(這一天和平常過得一樣。)
  • 5、Thispattern of white privilege and black inequality continues today.(這種白人特權(quán)和黑人不平等的模式一直延續(xù)到今天。)
  • 6、Thispattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.(這種模式嚴(yán)重破壞了婚姻。)
  • 7、This then becomes the newpattern, or baseline for your emotional state.(這就成為了你情緒狀態(tài)的新模式或基線。)
  • 8、Economic activity often follows a cyclicalpattern.(經(jīng)濟(jì)活動常常遵循周期性模式。)
  • 9、However, thispattern of behavior predicts increases in marital satisfaction over time.(然而,這種行為模式預(yù)示著婚姻滿意度會隨著時間的推移而提高。)
  • 10、Thepattern is essentially the same in all cases.(這種模式在所有情況下基本相同。)
  • 11、Lessons all follow the samepattern.(所有的課程都遵循相同的模式。)
  • 12、Because I follow a classicpattern, the coding is almost brainless.(因為我沿用了經(jīng)典模式,所以編碼幾乎不用動腦子。)
  • 13、The black and whitepattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers.(五彩繽紛的小花使得黑白圖案不那么單調(diào)。)
  • 14、Once, we saw it was moving in apattern consistent with an orbit.(有一次,我們看到它以與軌道一致的方式移動。)
  • 15、His release turned out to follow thepattern set by that of the other six hostages.(他的獲釋方式結(jié)果和其他6位人質(zhì)相同。)
  • 16、Interestingly, they also show a consistentpattern of nest care by the male.(有趣的是,它們也表現(xiàn)出一貫的雄性在巢中育兒的模式。)
  • 17、From this information, he was able to confirm the existence of apattern.(從這些信息中,他能夠確認(rèn)一種模式的存在。)
  • 18、Mornings in our house always follow a setpattern.(在我們家,每天上午的生活總是遵循一種固定的模式。)
  • 19、She embroidered the cloth with apattern in yellow and green stitches.(她用黃綠兩種線在那塊布上繡了一個圖案。)
  • 20、Thispattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.(這種模式在近東社會也很普遍。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、A left-handed toolmaker would produce the oppositepattern.(一個左撇子工具制造者會做出相反的圖案。)
  • 22、Tom's whole class were of apattern--restless, noisy, and troublesome.(湯姆的整個班級都是一個模式——躁動不安、吵吵鬧鬧、麻煩不斷。)
  • 23、She bought a dresspattern and some material.(她買了一幅衣服紙樣和一些衣料。)
  • 24、There is also a cyclicalpattern in fashion.(時尚業(yè)也存在著一個周期性的模式。)
  • 25、All three attacks followed the samepattern.(3次襲擊都依照同一模式。)
  • 26、The chief executive's tastes follow a similarpattern which is most popular.(首席執(zhí)行官的品味也遵循著類似的最受歡迎的模式。)
  • 27、The wildebeests follow, in their migration, thepattern of local rainfall.(角馬在遷徙時遵循當(dāng)?shù)亟涤甑哪J健?
  • 28、Can one trace this samepattern far back in prehistory?(我們能把同樣的這種模式追溯到遙遠(yuǎn)的史前嗎?)



英 [?p?tn] 美 [?p?t?rn] 
過去式: patterned 過去分詞: patterned 現(xiàn)在分詞: patterning 第三人稱單數(shù): patterns


