
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:43:09



  • 1、I likeromance, but I am not romantic.(我很喜歡浪漫,但是我卻不會制造浪漫。)
  • 2、For many of my peers, though, Venus quickly lost itsromance.(然而,對于我的許多同齡人來說,金星很快就失去了其浪漫色彩。)
  • 3、She would oftenromance about her bitter experiences.(她總是渲染美化她的痛苦經(jīng)歷。)
  • 4、Spring is here andromance is in the air.(春天來了,到處洋溢著愛情的氣息。)
  • 5、This is a slow-burnromance.(這是一場發(fā)展緩慢的戀情。)
  • 6、I was reading some trashyromance novel.(我當(dāng)時(shí)正在閱讀一些垃圾愛情小說。)
  • 7、I accept that theromance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true of many couples.(我承認(rèn)浪漫可能已從婚姻中消失,但許多夫妻的確都是如此。)
  • 8、They had a whirlwindromance.(他們之間有過一段短暫的風(fēng)流韻事。)
  • 9、Another name forromance Poetry that's often synonymous with it is troubadour poetry.(另一個(gè)描述浪漫詩歌的名字是游吟詩。)
  • 10、Our buddingromance was over.(我們剛剛萌發(fā)的浪漫愛情結(jié)束了。)
  • 11、So,romance is relative.(因此,浪漫是相對的。)
  • 12、We want to recreate theromance and excitement that used to be part of rail journeys.(我們想重新營造過去乘火車旅行的那份浪漫新奇和刺激。)
  • 13、Speaking ofromance, when Vision rescues Scarlet Witch from the floating city, they slow down and exchange a deep look.(提到浪漫,幻視將猩紅女巫從浮城中救起時(shí),他們放慢動作,并深深對視了一眼。)
  • 14、romance is one thing, marriage is quite another.(愛情是一回事,婚姻卻是另一回事。)
  • 15、I was beguiled by theromance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.(我被馬拉喀什劇場浪漫的異國情調(diào)迷住了。)
  • 16、It is ridiculous to suggest we are having aromance.(說我們之間有風(fēng)流韻事真是荒唐可笑。)
  • 17、It's that time of year, when thoughts turn toromance and gallantry.(那就是一年當(dāng)中將想法變?yōu)槔寺鸵笄诘臅r(shí)候。)
  • 18、romance is making a comeback. Reality is out.(浪漫正回歸;現(xiàn)實(shí)已過時(shí)。)
  • 19、The movie mixes broad humor withromance.(那部電影把粗俗幽默和浪漫故事結(jié)合在一起。)
  • 20、A dollop ofromance now and then is good for everybody.(時(shí)而來點(diǎn)兒浪漫對每個(gè)人都有好處。)
  • 21、Mar and his colleagues recently found that fans ofromance novels tended to do best on tests of empathy.(馬和他的同事們最近發(fā)現(xiàn),愛情小說的粉絲在同理心測試中表現(xiàn)最好。)
  • 22、"Lorna Doone" is subtitled "aromance of Exmoor."(《洛娜·杜恩》的副標(biāo)題是《??怂鼓聽柕囊粋€(gè)浪漫故事》。)
  • 23、He was tired of the merry-go-round ofromance and longed to settle down.(他厭倦了沒完沒了的風(fēng)流韻事,渴望安定下來。)
  • 24、All this questioning is so clinical – it killsromance.(所有這些發(fā)問是如此如此無人情味–使浪漫蕩然無存。)
  • 25、He still finds time forromance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend.(他仍有時(shí)間為女友做燭光晚餐來制造浪漫。)
  • 26、It was a whirlwindromance for us two.(對我們兩個(gè)人來說,這是一種旋風(fēng)式的浪漫。)
  • 27、Passion is the drive that leads toromance.(激情是通向浪漫的驅(qū)動力。)
  • 28、I'm such a sucker forromance.(我完全無法抵擋浪漫。)



英 [r???m?ns] 美 [?ro??m?ns] 
名詞: romancer 過去式: romanced 過去分詞: romanced 現(xiàn)在分詞: romancing 第三人稱單數(shù): romances


