
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:43:20



  • 1、She had felt her atiresome charge and had indeed seen as little of her as she dared.(她本來就覺得她是個(gè)煩人的累贅,實(shí)際上她不敢多見她。)
  • 2、It's convenient and nottiresome.(網(wǎng)購既方便又不會(huì)令人生厭。)
  • 3、An ill-planned attempt to start a new life in the South Pacific is irrelevant andtiresome.(一次打算在南太平洋開始新生活卻計(jì)劃不周的嘗試脫離了主題,令人厭煩。)
  • 4、The human heart has atiresome tendency to label as fate only what crushes it.(人的內(nèi)心中還有一種討厭的傾向,即只把所有壓倒命運(yùn)的東西標(biāo)識(shí)為命運(yùn)。)
  • 5、The children were being verytiresome.(這些孩子非常討人嫌。)
  • 6、To some outsiders, Britain's obsession with global influence may appeartiresome.(對(duì)一些局外人來說,英國(guó)對(duì)全球影響力的著迷讓人感到厭倦。)
  • 7、Speaking to a group can be difficult, but a bad speech is truly atiresome task.(面對(duì)一群人演講可能很困難,但是一場(chǎng)糟糕的演講真的是個(gè)令人討厭的活兒。)
  • 8、Trustworthy Transparency overtiresome traceability.(值得信賴的透明度超過令人厭倦的跟蹤機(jī)制。)
  • 9、Although home cooking is time-consuming and following washing-uptiresome, it offers healthy and delicious meals your body likes and needs.(雖然在家做飯很耗時(shí),洗碗也很累人,但它提供了你身體喜歡和需要的健康美味的食物。)
  • 10、The conclusion drew was that they were part of atiresome new fashion in Britain: claiming that you are under-claiming.(但我真正得出的結(jié)論是,他們不過是英國(guó)一種惱人新風(fēng)尚的追隨者:宣稱自己申報(bào)的費(fèi)用比實(shí)際開支少。)
  • 11、Old age and seniority alone do not command authority among the British: in fact modern life has been developing so fast that old people often appeartiresome and out of date.(在英國(guó)人當(dāng)中,年長(zhǎng)和資歷本身并沒有什么權(quán)威性:事實(shí)上,現(xiàn)代生活發(fā)展得如此之快,以至于老年人常常顯得乏味而過時(shí)。)
  • 12、What can he mean by being sotiresome as to be always coming here?(他為什么那樣不知趣,老是要上這兒來?)
  • 13、He is just talking about India's bankrupt electricity-distribution companies, which are atiresome bottleneck.(他指的是印度那些倒閉的配電公司,它們是惱人的障礙物。)
  • 14、NAUGHTY andtiresome children like insults (both overt and needling) as well as implausible and elaborate excuses.(淘氣煩人的小孩喜歡罵人(公然并且毫不留情)和精心編造看似合理的借口。)
  • 15、Tiny was not at all pleased; for she did not like thetiresome mole.(蒂尼一點(diǎn)也不感到高興;因?yàn)樗拇_不喜歡這位討厭的鼴鼠。)
  • 16、It istiresome, requires great responsibility, but most important of all... you must have the right motives!(這令人厭倦,需要承擔(dān)責(zé)任,但是最重要的是:你必須有正確的動(dòng)機(jī)!)
  • 17、When I was young, I was often in monotonous andtiresome situations.(年輕的時(shí)候也經(jīng)常處于無聊疲乏的狀態(tài)。)
  • 18、Throwing fish food with a shovel can gettiresome.(用鏟子撒魚食是一件很辛苦的事情。)
  • 19、To safeguard one's health at the cost of too strict a diet is atiresome illness indeed.(為了保證健康而極其嚴(yán)格地控制飲食,本身就是一種煩人的病。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 20、Gowing rathertiresome with his complaints of the paint.(Gowing十分厭倦自己對(duì)油漆的抱怨。)
  • 21、Frank's efforts at flirtation had becometiresome to her.(弗蘭克一個(gè)勁地打情罵俏使得她非常厭倦。)
  • 22、Now thetiresome chirping of a cricket that no human ingenuity could locate, began.(這時(shí),一只蟋蟀開始發(fā)出煩人的唧唧聲,而人們根本找不到它在哪。)
  • 23、Buying a house can be a verytiresome business.(買房子會(huì)是件很麻煩的事。)
  • 24、PEOPLE who find their neighbourstiresome can move to another neighbourhood, whereas countries can't.(覺得自己鄰居討厭的人可以搬去另一個(gè)地方擇鄰而居,但國(guó)家們卻不可能想搬就搬。)



英 [?ta??s?m] 美 [?ta??rs?m] 
副詞: tiresomely 名詞: tiresomeness
