
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:42:46



  • 1、He continued tolie on his back and look at clouds.(他繼續(xù)仰面朝天躺著,看著云彩。)
  • 2、It hurt me to think that he wouldlie to me.(一想到他竟然對我說謊,我就很傷心。)
  • 3、I refuse tolie about it; it's against my principles.(我絕不為此事撒謊;那是違背我的原則的。)
  • 4、It is sinful tolie.(說謊是不道德的。)
  • 5、Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where youlie.(美妙的音樂隨著夏日芳香的微風飄到你躺著的地方。)
  • 6、It was a patentlie.(那是赤裸裸的謊言。)
  • 7、I'm perfectly content just tolie in the sun.(我在陽光下躺著就感到非常滿足。)
  • 8、Father, I cannotlie to you.(爸爸,我不能對你說謊。)
  • 9、He dampened his hair to make itlie flat.(他把頭發(fā)弄濕,梳得平平的。)
  • 10、You can enjoy all the water sports, or simplylie on the beach.(你可以進行所有的水上運動,或只是躺在沙灘上。)
  • 11、It was alie, tout court.(那只不過是謊言。)
  • 12、The story was alie from start to finish.(這樣的講述自始至終都是騙人的。)
  • 13、It's a holiday tomorrow, so you canlie in.(明天放假,你可以睡懶覺了。)
  • 14、You don't have tolie to me. I know the score.(你不必瞞我。我知道是怎么回事。)
  • 15、He told us a thumping greatlie.(他對我們?nèi)隽艘粋€彌天大謊。)
  • 16、What she said was an out-and-outlie.(她說的是個彌天大謊。)
  • 17、The entry for 'polygraph' is cross-referred to the entry for 'lie detector'.(詞條polygraph下注有指向詞條liedetector的參照項。)
  • 18、Why don't you go upstairs andlie down for a bit?(你為什么不上樓躺一會兒?)
  • 19、We must nail thislie.(我們一定要戳穿這個謊言。)
  • 20、I believed her—for surely she would notlie to me.(我相信她的話—因為她肯定不會向我撒謊。)
  • 21、He had to go andlie down for a while.(他不得不去躺一會兒。)
  • 22、lie down on your bed and make yourself comfortable.(躺在床上讓你自己舒服些。)
  • 23、Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outrightlie.(川口最后干脆公開撒謊。)
  • 24、"Who else do you work for?"—"No one."—"That's alie."(“你還為其他什么人工作嗎?”—“沒其他人?!薄叭鲋e?!?
  • 25、lie flat and let your knees bend.(平躺曲膝。)
  • 26、I find it impossible tolie to her.(我覺得無法對她撒謊。)
  • 27、That allegation is a flat-outlie.(那一個指控是徹底的謊言。)
  • 28、Dim the lighting – it is unpleasant tolie with a bright light shining in your eyes.(把燈光調(diào)暗–在刺眼的燈光下躺著不舒服。)
  • 29、He sensibly decided tolie low for a while.(他明智地決定先躲避一段時間。)
  • 30、It was a blatantlie.(那是個赤裸裸的謊言。)



英 [la?] 美 [lai] 
過去式: lay/lied 過去分詞: lain/lied 現(xiàn)在分詞: lying 第三人稱單數(shù): lies

