
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:42:56



  • 1、For awhile she dozed fitfully.(她斷斷續(xù)續(xù)地小睡了片刻。)
  • 2、David rang upwhile you were out.(你不在的時候戴維打電話來了。)
  • 3、After awhile, her sniffles died away.(過了一會兒,她抽鼻子的聲音逐漸平息了。)
  • 4、while the twins played cards, Leona sat reading.(那對雙胞胎玩牌的時候,利昂娜坐著看書。)
  • 5、He was married a littlewhile ago.(他前不久剛結(jié)了婚。)
  • 6、The oven takes awhile to heat up.(烤箱得過會兒才能熱起來。)
  • 7、I waitedwhile six o'clock.(我一直等到了六點鐘。)
  • 8、Carry on with your workwhile I'm away.(我不在時你要接著干。)
  • 9、Nina drowsed for awhile.(妮娜打了會兒瞌睡。)
  • 10、Write mewhile you're away.(你外出期間給我寫信。)
  • 11、I went swimmingwhile the others played tennis.(我去游泳,而其他人去打網(wǎng)球了。)
  • 12、Gather ye rosebudswhile ye may.(花開堪折直須折。)
  • 13、The music soothed her for awhile.(音樂讓她稍微安靜了一會兒。)
  • 14、Keep stillwhile I brush your hair.(我給你梳頭時你不要動。)
  • 15、She fellwhile toddling around.(她在蹣跚學(xué)步時摔倒了。)
  • 16、She was frosting the cupcakeswhile we talked.(我們交談時,她在給杯形蛋糕撒糖霜。)
  • 17、They palled upwhile they were at college.(他們上大學(xué)時成了朋友。)
  • 18、Tirednesswhile driving can kill.(疲勞駕駛會出人命的。)
  • 19、while she sailed through her exams, he struggled.(她順利通過了考試,而他卻奮力掙扎。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、He nicked himselfwhile shaving.(他刮胡子刮了個口子。)
  • 21、He rested on his pickaxe for awhile.(他在他的鎬上倚靠了一會兒。)
  • 22、I waitedwhile he gathered up his papers.(他整理文件時我就在一旁等待。)
  • 23、Cover mewhile I move forward.(掩護我前進。)
  • 24、I'll keep you companywhile you're waiting.(你等待時我會陪伴你。)
  • 25、They chatted for awhile.(他們聊了一會兒。)
  • 26、I'll make breakfastwhile you're having a shower.(你淋浴時我就做早餐。)
  • 27、It arrivedwhile I was on safari.(這是在我外出期間送達的。)
  • 28、They all bondedwhile writing graffiti together.(他們在一起涂鴉時相識。)
  • 29、Stand stillwhile I take your photo.(我給你照相,站著別動。)
  • 30、They metwhile on holiday in Greece.(他們是在希臘度假時認識的。)



英 [wa?l] 美 [hwa?l, wa?l] 
過去式: whiled 過去分詞: whiled 現(xiàn)在分詞: whiling 第三人稱單數(shù): whiles

conj.當 ... 的時候;雖然;盡管;然而

