
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:42:12



  • 1、clap your hands, and then dance and sing.(拍拍你的手,然后跳舞唱歌。)
  • 2、Let meclap for you.(讓我為你鼓掌。)
  • 3、I oftenclap my hands.(我經(jīng)常拍手。)
  • 4、Let'sclap our hands together right now.(現(xiàn)在讓我們一起拍手吧。) (好工具h(yuǎn)
  • 5、You canclap your hands and then touch your ears.(你可以拍拍手掌然后摸摸你的耳朵。)
  • 6、clap your hands and listen to me!(請你拍拍手,然后聽我說!)
  • 7、You canclap your hands.(你可以拍拍你的手。)
  • 8、In the concert, someone begins toclap and suddenly the whole room joins in.(音樂會中有人開始鼓掌,突然間整個房間的人都加入進(jìn)來。)
  • 9、Hello hello, can youclap your hands?(你好你好,你能拍手嗎?)
  • 10、Let'sclap hands for Tom.(讓我們?yōu)闇饭恼谱YR。)
  • 11、Let'sclap for them.(讓我們?yōu)樗麄児恼啤?
  • 12、Let's sing andclap hands.(我們一起邊唱邊拍拍子吧。)
  • 13、clap your hands to the music.(隨著音樂節(jié)奏我們拍拍手吧。)
  • 14、Pleaseclap and dance happily to the music!(請聽著音樂,開心地拍手跳舞!)
  • 15、Let'sclap our hands together!(讓我們一起拍手吧!)
  • 16、Don'tclap.(不要鼓掌。)
  • 17、clap your hands and move your arms and legs from time to time.(拍拍你的手,不時地移動你的胳膊和腿。)
  • 18、Give him aclap!(為他鼓掌吧!)
  • 19、He teaches them how toclap.(他教他們鼓掌。)
  • 20、Let's give the children aclap.(讓我們?yōu)楹⒆觽児恼啤?
  • 21、Parentsclap and shriek with laughter while children look on with bemused grins as the daily ritual is performed.(家長們在一旁鼓掌、尖叫,孩子們則帶著困惑的笑容看著每天的儀式。)
  • 22、clap your hands with me.(隨著我拍手。)
  • 23、Why do weclap?(我們?yōu)槭裁匆恼疲?
  • 24、When I'm glad, I'llclap my hands.(我高興時就會拍手。)
  • 25、I oftenclap my hands in joy.(我常在高興時拍手。)
  • 26、Can youclap your hands?(你能拍拍你的手嗎?)
  • 27、clap your hands and stamp your feet.(拍拍你的手,跺跺你的腳。)
  • 28、She's a good singer. Let'sclap for her.(她歌兒唱得好,咱們?yōu)樗恼瓢伞?
  • 29、You canclap your hands if you are happy.(如果感到快樂你就拍拍你的手。)
  • 30、They allclap and cheer.(他們都鼓掌和歡呼。)



英 [kl?p] 美 [kl?p] 
過去式: clapped 過去分詞: clapped 現(xiàn)在分詞: clapping 第三人稱單數(shù): claps

