
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:42:14



  • 1、Thewhale dived as the harpoon struck it.(鯨被魚(yú)叉射中后下潛。)
  • 2、The babywhale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.(幼鯨長(zhǎng)出一層厚脂肪以抵御冰冷的海水。)
  • 3、My name iswhale.(我的名字叫鯨。)
  • 4、Maybe he only speakswhale.(也許他只會(huì)說(shuō)鯨語(yǔ)。)
  • 5、Masswhale strandings involve four or more animals.(大規(guī)模鯨魚(yú)擱淺的現(xiàn)象涉及到四種或更多種動(dòng)物。)
  • 6、whale is a kind of mammals.(鯨魚(yú)是一種哺乳類(lèi)動(dòng)物。)
  • 7、Is awhale a fish?(鯨魚(yú)是魚(yú)嗎?)
  • 8、After trying many times, they were finally able to lift thewhale into the water.(在嘗試了許多次之后,他們終于能夠把鯨魚(yú)抬到水里。)
  • 9、When awhale dives, its metabolic rate drops, causing its heartbeat to slow down.(當(dāng)鯨魚(yú)潛水時(shí),它的新陳代謝率下降,導(dǎo)致心跳減慢。)
  • 10、whale needs to sleep everyday.(鯨每天都要睡覺(jué)。)
  • 11、They pushed and tried to force thewhale back into the water, but it was no use.(他們推著,試圖迫使鯨魚(yú)回到水里,但沒(méi)有用。)
  • 12、Then onewhale swam in the direction, directly towards land.(然后一頭鯨魚(yú)徑直朝陸地游去。)
  • 13、Thewhale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of creation.(鯨,和海豚一樣,已經(jīng)成為造物杰作的象征。)
  • 14、whale expert Karen Evans is one such scientist.(鯨魚(yú)專(zhuān)家凱倫·埃文斯就是一位這樣的科學(xué)家。)
  • 15、Thewhale is a mammal.(鯨魚(yú)是哺乳動(dòng)物。)
  • 16、How was the gap between a walking mammal and a swimmingwhale bridged?(會(huì)走路的哺乳動(dòng)物和會(huì)游泳的鯨魚(yú)之間的差異是如何銜接起來(lái)的?)
  • 17、Awhale is a fish. True or false?(鯨魚(yú)是魚(yú),對(duì)還是錯(cuò)?)
  • 18、No, you're crazy. You don't speakwhale.(不,你瘋了,你不會(huì)說(shuō)鯨魚(yú)話(huà)。)
  • 19、After the kill the men and old women collect in an open space and eat a meal ofwhale meat.(獵殺結(jié)束后,男人們和年長(zhǎng)的婦女們聚在一個(gè)空地吃了一頓鯨肉宴。)
  • 20、The tiger's attention is diverted as the killerwhale sails over his head.(當(dāng)虎鯨掠過(guò)頭部時(shí),老虎終于轉(zhuǎn)移了注意力。)
  • 21、People also hunt thewhale since it was money-making catch.(人們也會(huì)去捕獵鯨魚(yú)來(lái)賺錢(qián)。)
  • 22、Awhale was thrashing the water with its tail.(一條鯨魚(yú)不住地用尾巴擊水。)
  • 23、Divers battled for hours to try to free awhale entangled in crab nets.(潛水員們奮戰(zhàn)了幾個(gè)小時(shí),試圖解救一條被捕蟹網(wǎng)纏住的鯨魚(yú)。)
  • 24、The frequency ofwhale fish theft in the Bering Sea's continental shelf is increasing.(白令海大陸架上的鯨魚(yú)盜竊案發(fā)生得越來(lái)越頻繁。)
  • 25、He's in the belly of thewhale.(他正在鯨魚(yú)肚子里。) hao86.com
  • 26、What'swhale Song about?(《鯨之歌》講述了怎樣的故事?)
  • 27、It was undoubtedly awhale that linked life on land with life at sea.(毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),這是一種聯(lián)系著陸地生命和海洋生命的鯨魚(yú)。)
  • 28、Awhale was found washed up on the shore.(一頭鯨被發(fā)現(xiàn)沖到了岸上。)
  • 29、Scientists are puzzled as to why thewhale had swum to the shore.(科學(xué)家們感到不解:為什么這頭鯨游到海岸上來(lái)。)
  • 30、Another is Rosemary Gales, a leading expert onwhale strandings.(另一位是羅斯瑪麗·蓋爾斯,鯨魚(yú)擱淺方面的權(quán)威專(zhuān)家。)



英 [we?l] 美 [hwel, wel] 
過(guò)去式: whaled 過(guò)去分詞: whaled 現(xiàn)在分詞: whaling 第三人稱(chēng)單數(shù): whales


