


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:42:08



  • 1、All those invited to next week's peaceconference have accepted.(所有應(yīng)邀參加下周和平會議的人都已接受了邀請。)
  • 2、Theconference is more or less over.(會議大致結(jié)束了。)
  • 3、Really it's a workmanlikeconference rather than a dramatic one.(會議的確開得有板有眼,但并沒有什么戲劇性。)
  • 4、I'll look out for you at theconference.(我會在開會時來找你。)
  • 5、The meetings are always in the mainconference room.(會議總是在主會議室舉行。)
  • 6、Theconference was very well organized.(這次會議組織得很好。)
  • 7、The largestconference room could seat 5,000 people.(最大的會議室可坐5千人。)
  • 8、The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending aconference.(約旦的領(lǐng)袖看起來愿意去參加一個會議。)
  • 9、The theme of theconference is renaissance Europe.(該會議的主題是文藝復(fù)興時期的歐洲。)
  • 10、They were pointedly absent from the newsconference.(他們有意缺席了那場新聞發(fā)布會。)
  • 11、He was a guest speaker at theconference.(他是會議的特邀演講人。)
  • 12、He made his comments at a newsconference in Amsterdam.(他在阿姆斯特丹的一次記者招待會上做了評論。)
  • 13、Theconference will be held in Glasgow.(會議將在格拉斯哥舉行。)
  • 14、Are you presenting a paper at theconference?(你要在大會上宣讀論文嗎?)
  • 15、Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during theconference.(各環(huán)保組織計(jì)劃在會議期間舉行一些公眾抗議行動。)
  • 16、Theconference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.(會議主席設(shè)定明天中午為最后期限。)
  • 17、The DOT is to publish theconference proceedings.(運(yùn)輸部將公布會議記錄。)
  • 18、Theconference was hailed as a great success.(會議被稱頌為一次巨大的成功。)
  • 19、Theconference might reconvene after its opening session.(會議可能會在開幕式之后重新召集。)
  • 20、There are dailyconference calls with Washington.(與華盛頓方面有每日電話會議。)
  • 21、She gave her reaction to his release at a pressconference.(她在一次新聞發(fā)布會上就他的釋放做出了回應(yīng)。)
  • 22、I've been saddled with organizing theconference.(我被派擔(dān)當(dāng)組織會議的重任。)
  • 23、It was a good-humouredconference.(會議的氣氛很愉快。)
  • 24、Such threats could scuttle the peaceconference.(這樣的威脅可能會破壞和平會議。)
  • 25、We'll be able to assess the competition at theconference.(我們可以在會上對競爭對手進(jìn)行估量。)
  • 26、She is attending a three-dayconference on AIDS education.(她正在出席一個為期三天的有關(guān)艾滋病教育的會議。) Hao86.com
  • 27、Theconference opens at 12 noon on Saturday.(這次會議在星期六中午12點(diǎn)開幕。)



英 [?k?nf?r?ns] 美 [?kɑ:nf?r?ns] 
形容詞: conferential

