
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:42:08



  • 1、We arrived at the airport, checked our baggage and wandered around thegift shops.(我們到達(dá)了機(jī)場(chǎng),托運(yùn)了行李,然后逛了逛禮品店。)
  • 2、Is it the price that you see on thegift receipt that makes agift special?(是你在禮物收據(jù)上看到的價(jià)格使禮物變得特別嗎?)
  • 3、Thegift shop is well worth a browse.(這家禮品店值得一看。)
  • 4、Thegift shop's biggest seller is a photo of Nixon meeting Presley.(這家禮品店最暢銷的商品是一幅尼克松會(huì)見普雷斯利的照片。)
  • 5、You are entitled to a freegift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not.(無論你接不接受我們的保險(xiǎn)提議,你都可以免費(fèi)得到一份禮物。)
  • 6、I looked upon thegift as a seal on our friendship.(我把你的禮物看作我們之間友誼的見證。)
  • 7、To have a darling baby boy was the greatestgift I could imagine.(擁有一個(gè)心愛的小男孩是我所能想像的最好的禮物。)
  • 8、Shall I take agift to my host family?(我要不要給主人家?guī)ЪY物呢?)
  • 9、There's a littlegift shop around the corner.(在街角附近有一家小禮品店。)
  • 10、Shaffer's greatgift lies in his ability to animate ideas theatrically.(謝弗的天賦在于他能把想法在戲劇上表現(xiàn)出來。)
  • 11、She was presented with thegift in gratitude for her long service.(這禮物贈(zèng)送給她以表達(dá)對(duì)她長(zhǎng)期服務(wù)的感激之情。)
  • 12、We all pitched in $10 to buy her agift.(我們每人出10元錢給她買禮物。)
  • 13、Her aunt gave her an uncharacteristically extravagantgift.(她的姑媽給了她一件貴得離譜的禮物。)
  • 14、The farmer loved thegift.(農(nóng)夫很喜歡這個(gè)禮物。)
  • 15、It was agift from her beloved.(那是她心愛的人送的禮物。)
  • 16、They believed the unborn child was agift from God.(他們相信那個(gè)尚未出生的孩子就是上帝賜予的一份禮物。)
  • 17、She has a greatgift for music.(她極有音樂天賦。)
  • 18、gift certificates are personalized with both the recipient and giver names.(禮品券上標(biāo)明了獲得者和給予者的名字。)
  • 19、The surprisegift is a thankyou for our help.(這份驚喜禮物是感謝我們給予的幫助。)
  • 20、Would you like the chocolatesgift-wrapped?(你要把巧克力糖打成禮品包嗎?)
  • 21、As a youth he discovered agift for teaching.(年輕的時(shí)候他就發(fā)現(xiàn)了自己教書的天賦。)
  • 22、He comes bringing agift.(他帶著禮物來了。)
  • 23、She was believed to have thegift of prophecy.(據(jù)信她有預(yù)言的天賦。)
  • 24、The watch was agift from my mother.(這塊表是母親給我的禮物。)
  • 25、She received a cosmetic makeover at a beauty salon as a birthdaygift.(作為生日禮物,她得到了在一家美容院美容的機(jī)會(huì)。)
  • 26、What is the Valentine'sgift?(情人節(jié)禮物是什么呢?)
  • 27、Here's your birthdaygift.(這是送給你的生日禮物。)
  • 28、We stock a wide range of cards andgift wrap.(我們備有各種各樣的賀卡和禮品包裝材料。)
  • 29、The inngift shop stocks quality Indian crafts and sundries.(這個(gè)小旅館的禮品店備有優(yōu)質(zhì)的印度工藝品和其他雜品。)



英 [g?ft] 美 [ɡ?ft] 
過去式: gifted 過去分詞: gifted 現(xiàn)在分詞: gifting 第三人稱單數(shù): gifts


