
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:42:31



  • 1、WS-BPEL imposes an additionalrestriction to request-response operations.(WS-BPEL對(duì)請(qǐng)求-響應(yīng)操作施加了其他限制。)
  • 2、Those findings suggest that caloricrestriction could delay ageing and increase longevity in humans, too.(這些發(fā)現(xiàn)表明,限制熱量攝入也可以延緩衰老,延長(zhǎng)人類(lèi)壽命。)
  • 3、Therestriction will operate between 6:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. every day.(這條限令在每天早上六點(diǎn)半到下午九點(diǎn)生效。)
  • 4、There is onerestriction placed on the process.(這只是一種處理過(guò)程中的限制。)
  • 5、In this table, "Y" shows that therestriction is indicated.(在這個(gè)表中,“Y”表示使用了限制。)
  • 6、WHO advises no international travelrestriction to or from South Africa.(世衛(wèi)組織不建議限制與南非之間的國(guó)際旅行。)
  • 7、A score function for optimization based on maximum mutual information entropy with odditionalrestriction is proposed.(提出了基于最大互信息熵且具有奇數(shù)約束的優(yōu)化得分函數(shù)。)
  • 8、The biggestrestriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something.(我們資源上的最大限制是我們可以投入到某件事情上的時(shí)間。)
  • 9、This is probably not an acceptablerestriction.(這種限制并不合理。)
  • 10、Studies of caloricrestriction are showing the way.(熱量限制的研究為我們指明了方向。)
  • 11、I'll explain why thisrestriction is necessary later in this article.(我將在本文后面解釋這一限制的必要性。)
  • 12、You can overcome thisrestriction by using parallel access volumes (PAVs).(可以通過(guò)使用并行訪問(wèn)卷克服這個(gè)限制。)
  • 13、Thisrestriction allows internal packages to stay internal.(該限制允許內(nèi)部包保留在內(nèi)部。)
  • 14、Arestriction imposed by a stakeholder.(一個(gè)被涉眾所強(qiáng)加的限制。)
  • 15、Truck drivers at large don't like the new speedrestriction on the highway.(大多數(shù)卡車(chē)司機(jī)不喜歡高速公路上新的限速規(guī)定。)
  • 16、Caloric-restriction projects underway in two species more closely related to humans—rhesus and squirrel monkeys—have made scientists optimistic that CR mimetics could help people.(對(duì)與人類(lèi)聯(lián)系更密切的兩個(gè)物種——獼猴和松鼠猴——進(jìn)行熱量限制的項(xiàng)目,使科學(xué)家對(duì)模擬熱量限制可以幫助人類(lèi)抱有樂(lè)觀的態(tài)度。)
  • 17、This securityrestriction is to avoid cross-site scripting attacks (XSS).(這個(gè)安全限制是為了避免跨站點(diǎn)腳本攻擊(XSS)。)
  • 18、We also intend to remove any special namingrestriction.(我們還希望刪除任何特殊的命名限制。)
  • 19、Since the costs of science were rising faster than inflation, somerestriction on funding was necessary.(既然科學(xué)成本上漲快于通貨膨脹,資助上的一些限制是必要的。)
  • 20、This type of networkrestriction works without additional configuration.(即使不進(jìn)行額外的配置,這類(lèi)網(wǎng)絡(luò)限制也會(huì)起作用。)
  • 21、'Eat' has the selectionalrestriction that it must be followed by a kind of food, so 'I eat sky' is not possible.(eat一詞之后限跟某種食物,所以不可能說(shuō)Ieatsky。)
  • 22、Is caloricrestriction the solution?(限制熱量就是解決方案嗎?)
  • 23、The intent of thisrestriction was twofold.(這種限制的意圖是雙重的。)
  • 24、Clearly, dropping thisrestriction would allow the other species to recover.(顯然,取消這一限制將使其他物種得以恢復(fù)。)
  • 25、By limiting food intake, caloricrestriction minimizes the amount of glucose entering cells and decreases ATP generation.(通過(guò)限制食物的攝入,熱量限制使進(jìn)入細(xì)胞的葡萄糖量降到最少,并減少ATP的產(chǎn)生。)
  • 26、Calorierestriction, by the way, doesn't advocate starving.(順帶一提,控制熱量并非提倡饑餓。)
  • 27、Researchers have suggested that the regimen is easier than daily calorierestriction, but is it easy enough?(研究人員表示,這套養(yǎng)生法比每日限制熱量攝入更容易,但是它足夠容易嗎?)
  • 28、Thisrestriction has been relaxed in V6.1.(在V6.1放寬了此限制。)



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