
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:42:31



  • 1、Look at me. I'm apirate.(看我,我是一個(gè)海盜。)
  • 2、It was worth while to be apirate, after all.(畢竟當(dāng)海盜是值得的。)
  • 3、But I don't likepirate stories.(但是我不喜歡海盜故事。)
  • 4、You are not apirate.(你不是一個(gè)海盜。)
  • 5、They cried so piteously that everypirate smiled.(他們哭得那么可憐,每個(gè)海盜都笑了。)
  • 6、You like being apirate?(你喜歡當(dāng)海盜嗎?)
  • 7、Let us now kill apirate, to show Hook's method.(現(xiàn)在讓我們殺了一個(gè)海盜,來讓虎克展現(xiàn)他的方法。)
  • 8、I believe it's better'n to be apirate.(我認(rèn)為總比當(dāng)海盜好。)
  • 9、Ed played at being apirate.(埃德假扮海盜。)
  • 10、And I am thepirate.(我是海盜。)
  • 11、But I'm not apirate.(但我不是海盜。)
  • 12、Thepirate ship moved close to the ship.(海盜船向那艘船靠近了。)
  • 13、I'm not a realpirate.(我不是一個(gè)真正的海盜。)
  • 14、Was your friend apirate?(你的朋友是個(gè)海盜嗎?)
  • 15、What about thepirate ship?(這艘海盜船怎么樣?)
  • 16、They call me apirate but what is apirate?(他們稱我是海盜,但什么是海盜?)
  • 17、This is probably apirate ship?(這應(yīng)該是海盜船吧?)
  • 18、Mr. White is apirate.(懷特先生是個(gè)海盜。)
  • 19、Oh, you're a nicepirate.(噢,你是個(gè)好海盜呀。)
  • 20、Wendy bound, and on thepirate ship.(溫迪被綁著,上了海盜船。)
  • 21、Think like apirate.(像海盜一樣思考。)
  • 22、I always feel like apirate.(我總覺得自己像個(gè)海盜。) haO86.com
  • 23、pirate copies of the DVD are already being sold.(該DVD的盜版已經(jīng)有售了。)
  • 24、Would your mother like you to be apirate, Slightly?(你媽媽想讓你當(dāng)海盜嗎,斯萊特利?)
  • 25、Apirate was killed.(一名海盜被殺了。)
  • 26、It is not bad for apirate.(這對(duì)于一個(gè)海盜來說已經(jīng)相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)了。)
  • 27、He gave thepirate a hand to help him up.(他幫助海盜站了起來。)
  • 28、Didst never want to be apirate, my hearty?(你從來不想當(dāng)海盜嗎,我的寶貝?)
  • 29、He would be apirate!(他要成為一個(gè)海盜!)
  • 30、pirate used to be here.(海盜曾經(jīng)在這里出沒。)



英 [?pa?r?t] 美 [?pa?r?t] 
形容詞: piratic 副詞: piratically 過去式: pirated 過去分詞: pirated 現(xiàn)在分詞: pirating 第三人稱單數(shù): pirates

