
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:42:28



  • 1、We gottapostpone the camping trip.(我們得推遲野營了。)
  • 2、It was an unpopular decision topostpone building the new hospital.(延遲興建新醫(yī)院的決定是不得人心的。)
  • 3、I? D like topostpone that decision until later.(我想遲些再作決定。)
  • 4、Facing a national blood shortage, physicians in Atlanta, Pittsburgh, New York, Baltimore and Washington moved topostpone nonemergency surgeries.(面對全國性血液供應不足的情況,亞特蘭大、匹茲堡、紐約、巴爾的摩和華盛頓的醫(yī)生都推遲了非緊急手術的時間。)
  • 5、I am calling topostpone my appointment.(我打電話來是要把預約延后。)
  • 6、I, for one, would prefer topostpone the meeting.(主張推遲會期的,我就是一個。)
  • 7、We'll have topostpone the meeting until next week.(我們將不得不把會議推遲到下周舉行。)
  • 8、postpone the pain,postpone the recovery.(推遲痛苦,就是推遲恢復。)
  • 9、Jeff: We had topostpone it.(杰夫:我們不得不推遲舉行。)
  • 10、You shouldpostpone making a decision until you have more information.(你應在收集更多信息之后再做決定。)
  • 11、postpone the New Year detox.(延遲新年排毒。)
  • 12、They justpostpone them.(它們只能起到延緩的作用。)
  • 13、The sports meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we've had topostpone it because of the weather.(運動會本應該在周二召開的,但因為天氣原因,我們不得不將它推遲了。)
  • 14、I shallpostpone making a decision till I learn full particulars.(在未獲悉詳情之前我得從緩作出決定。)
  • 15、He vowed not topostpone unpleasant decisions.(他保證絕不會推遲令他不快的決定。)
  • 16、I? D like topostpone that discussion until later.(我愿意以后再討論這個問題。)
  • 17、If nobody objects, we'llpostpone the meeting till next week.(如果沒有人反對,我們就把會議推遲到下周。)
  • 18、Every generation develops these habits at a certain age, but Millennials seem to be extending this phase of life as theypostpone marriage.(每一代人都會在某個年齡段養(yǎng)成這些習慣,但千禧一代似乎因為他們推遲結婚,從而延長了這一階段的生活。)
  • 19、It is totally out of the question topostpone the midnight deadline.(延遲午夜的最后期限是根本不可能的。)
  • 20、So why did E.ONpostpone its Kingsnorth plan?(那么為什么E.ON公司推遲金斯諾斯計劃?)
  • 21、Data show that economic downturns tend topostpone marriage because the parties cannot afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead.(數據顯示,經濟低迷往往會推遲婚姻,因為雙方負擔不起組建家庭的費用,或者擔心未來會有不測。)
  • 22、The only practicable alternative is topostpone the meeting.(另外唯一可行的辦法就是推遲會期。)
  • 23、He decided topostpone the expedition until the following day.(他決定將探險活動推遲到第二天。)
  • 24、He did the worst thing he could:postpone the next chariot race.(他做了他能做的最壞的事情:推遲下一場馬車比賽。)
  • 25、Lacking money, they had topostpone their plan.(沒有錢,他們只得推遲計劃。)



英 [p??sp??n] 美 [po??spo?n] 
形容詞: postponable 名詞: postponement 過去式: postponed 過去分詞: postponed 現在分詞: postponing 第三人稱單數: postpones
