
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:42:25



  • 1、Deathwatchbeetle bore in dead wood.(蛀蟲(chóng)會(huì)鉆進(jìn)枯木。)
  • 2、When genetic characterization of the contents ofbeetle guts gave some unexpected results, the researchers decided to take a closer look at earthworm DNA.(當(dāng)甲蟲(chóng)內(nèi)臟內(nèi)容物的遺傳特性顯示出一些意想不到的結(jié)果時(shí),研究人員決定進(jìn)一步研究蚯蚓的DNA。)
  • 3、He spied thebeetle; the drooping tail lifted and wagged.(他發(fā)現(xiàn)了甲蟲(chóng);下垂的尾巴翹了起來(lái),搖擺著。)
  • 4、With half an inch of rain per year, thebeetle can only survive by consuming the dew it collects on the hydrophilic skin of its back in the early mornings.(在每年只有半英尺降雨量的環(huán)境下,這種甲蟲(chóng)只能通過(guò)它背部親水性皮膚在早晨收集的水露存活下來(lái)。)
  • 5、And captured abeetle the size of a Chihuahua9.(便捕獲了一只有奇瓦瓦小狗那么大的甲蟲(chóng)!)
  • 6、There is a record of abeetle larva living in dead wood for over 40 years before becoming an adult.(有記錄顯示,一只甲蟲(chóng)幼蟲(chóng)成年前在枯木中生活了40多年。)
  • 7、How a Tinybeetle Could Decimate Yellowstone?(小甲蟲(chóng)如何毀了黃石公園?)
  • 8、The first thing thebeetle did was to take him by the finger.(甲蟲(chóng)做的第一件事就是咬住他的手指。)
  • 9、Females plant a single egg in a dung ball where it matures from larva to fully formedbeetle, feeding off the waste.(雌性蜣螂會(huì)在每個(gè)糞球中種下一個(gè)蟲(chóng)卵,蟲(chóng)卵以糞便為食,直到幼蟲(chóng)完全發(fā)育成成蟲(chóng)。)
  • 10、rhinocerosbeetle?(犀牛甲蟲(chóng)?)
  • 11、It suggested that all living things were related, from thebeetle to the lotus, and that everything descended ultimately from a single common ancestor.(它表明所有的生物都是相關(guān)的,從甲蟲(chóng)到蓮花,所有的生物都是由一個(gè)共同的祖先進(jìn)化而來(lái)。)
  • 12、He studied the Namibbeetle, an ingenious species that lives in one of the driest places on earth.(他研究了納米布甲蟲(chóng),這是一種靈巧的物種,生活在世界上最干燥的地方之一。)
  • 13、He is abeetle-browed old man.(他是一個(gè)有著濃眉的老人。)
  • 14、Across vast areas of western North America, increasingly mild winters are causing massive outbreaks of barkbeetle.(在北美西部的廣大地區(qū),日益溫暖的冬季正導(dǎo)致樹(shù)皮甲蟲(chóng)的大規(guī)模爆發(fā)。)
  • 15、The birds are masters at using sticks to find their food, in particularbeetle larvae from the trees.(這些鳥(niǎo)擅長(zhǎng)用樹(shù)枝尋找食物,尤其是樹(shù)上的甲蟲(chóng)幼蟲(chóng)。)
  • 16、Even so... a dungbeetle cake?(一個(gè)蜣螂蛋糕?)
  • 17、Thebeetle larvae have a distinct chemical make-up, which can be traced through the feathers and blood of birds that eat them.(甲蟲(chóng)幼蟲(chóng)含有獨(dú)特的化學(xué)成分,從獵食它們的鳥(niǎo)類(lèi)的羽毛和血液中可以找到這種成分的痕跡。)
  • 18、The head is often concealed by the pronotum when thebeetle is viewed from above.(從上方觀察甲蟲(chóng)時(shí),頭部通常被前胸膜所掩蓋。)
  • 19、The hard shell on abeetle is an outside protection, as is the "skin", called cuticle, of an earthworm.(甲殼蟲(chóng)身上的硬殼是外表保護(hù)層,就像蚯蚓的“皮膚”,它叫角質(zhì)層。)
  • 20、And, of course, there is thebeetle race!(當(dāng)然,這是甲克蟲(chóng)賽跑!)
  • 21、Thebeetle lay there working its helpless legs, unable to turn over.(那只甲蟲(chóng)躺在那里,用它的腿無(wú)奈地掙扎著,翻不了身。)
  • 22、Right after I turned 21 and was allowed a car on campus, I paid $600 for a black 1961beetle.(在我剛滿21歲,被允許在學(xué)校里擁有車(chē)時(shí),我就立刻花600美元買(mǎi)了一輛1961年版的黑色甲殼蟲(chóng)。)
  • 23、Maybe by copying abeetle.(或許可以模仿甲蟲(chóng)。)
  • 24、Frass of long-hornedbeetle larvae plays an important role in natural enemies searching for their cerambycid hosts.(長(zhǎng)角甲蟲(chóng)幼蟲(chóng)的部分在尋找天敵的天敵中起著重要的作用。)
  • 25、The curculiobeetle eats the edges of leaves.(象鼻蟲(chóng)吃掉了葉子的邊緣。)
  • 26、In his world, science can explain thebeetle, the lotus leaf and the spider's web, but not why they appear beautiful to people.(在他的世界里,科學(xué)可以解釋甲蟲(chóng),荷葉以及蜘蛛網(wǎng),但卻無(wú)法解釋為什么人們會(huì)覺(jué)得這些如此美麗。)
  • 27、Other people uninterested in the sermon found relief in thebeetle, and they eyed it too.(其他對(duì)布道不感興趣的人也在甲蟲(chóng)身上找到了解脫,他們也盯著它看。)
  • 28、Is it more expensive than a CompactFlashbeetle of similar capacity?(它比具有類(lèi)似容量的閃存卡甲蟲(chóng)貴嗎?)
  • 29、Healthy trees are also better able to fend off barkbeetle.(健康的樹(shù)木也能更好地抵御樹(shù)皮甲蟲(chóng)。)
  • 30、Thisbeetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.(這種甲蟲(chóng)要吃谷物的胚芽。)



英 [?bi:tl] 美 [?bitl] 
過(guò)去式: beetled 過(guò)去分詞: beetled 現(xiàn)在分詞: beetling 第三人稱單數(shù): beetles


