


更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:41:49



  • 1、No wonder it'sunpopular.(難怪這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃不受歡迎。)
  • 2、No wonder he is sounpopular.(難怪他如此不得人心。)
  • 3、Within a few days of taking office he had become the mostunpopular man in the company.(他上任沒幾天,就成了公司里最不得人心的人。)
  • 4、The state'sunpopular sales tax on snacks has ended.(該州不得人心的快餐銷售稅已經(jīng)取消。)
  • 5、Strange,unpopular names, I thought.(奇怪的,復(fù)古的名字,我這樣想著。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 6、To be sure, there is a process more immediately responsive to the people's will might have ousted Lincoln and Washington in theirunpopular moments.(誠(chéng)然,這一進(jìn)程能更迅速地響應(yīng)人民的意愿,就可能在林肯和華盛頓不得人心的時(shí)刻將他們趕下臺(tái)。)
  • 7、The proposed increase in income tax proved deeplyunpopular with the electorate.(增加所得稅的建議令選民十分不滿。)
  • 8、Predictably, the new regulations provedunpopular.(正如所預(yù)料,新規(guī)定果然不得人心。)
  • 9、The committee's confrontational style of campaigning has made itunpopular.(該委員會(huì)挑釁的宣傳方式使之不得人心。)
  • 10、He's an extremelyunpopular king.(他是一個(gè)不得人心的國(guó)王。)
  • 11、Landfills are places to dump waste, but they areunpopular because they can pollute the soil used to cover them.(垃圾填埋場(chǎng)是傾倒垃圾的地方,但它們沒有被普遍使用,因?yàn)樗鼈儠?huì)對(duì)用于覆蓋垃圾的土壤造成污染。)
  • 12、It was a painful andunpopular decision.(這是一個(gè)痛苦且不受歡迎的決定。)
  • 13、People who message a lot feelunpopular if they don't get many back.(如果發(fā)送許多短信的人并未得到很多回復(fù),他們會(huì)覺得自己不受歡迎。)
  • 14、In high school, I was veryunpopular, and I did encounter a little prejudice.(在中學(xué),我很不受歡迎,確實(shí)遇到了一點(diǎn)偏見。)
  • 15、About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing becameunpopular.(大約在學(xué)校和其他機(jī)構(gòu)開始很有興趣確保所有的孩子,無論他們的背景如何,都能得到公平對(duì)待的時(shí)候,智力測(cè)試就變得不受歡迎了。)
  • 16、Some of this will beunpopular.(其中的一些將不受歡迎。)
  • 17、Taxes areunpopular – it is understandable that voters are against them.(稅收是不受歡迎的–選民們反對(duì)是可以理解的。)
  • 18、Any budget deal would have beenunpopular.(任何預(yù)算法案都可能會(huì)不受歡迎。)
  • 19、Such a work style isunpopular anywhere.(這種工作作風(fēng)到哪兒都吃不開。)
  • 20、But he isunpopular and distrusted.(但是他不得人心,又不受信任。)
  • 21、The project has beenunpopular in Myanmar.(該項(xiàng)目在緬甸國(guó)內(nèi)一直不受歡迎。)
  • 22、His rigid adherence to the rules made himunpopular.(他對(duì)規(guī)則的刻板堅(jiān)持使得他不受歡迎。)
  • 23、He was a generallyunpopular choice for captain.(人們普遍不歡迎他成為隊(duì)長(zhǎng)。)
  • 24、The school reforms areunpopular with the mass of teachers and parents.(大多數(shù)教師和家長(zhǎng)并不贊成學(xué)校的改革。)
  • 25、He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid ofunpopular decisions.(他有著強(qiáng)硬和不怕做不受歡迎決定的名聲。)
  • 26、The reforms areunpopular with the mass of teachers and parents.(大多數(shù)教師和家長(zhǎng)并不贊成這些改革。)
  • 27、That is anunpopular message.(這是個(gè)不討人喜歡的消息。)
  • 28、It was anunpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital.(延遲興建新醫(yī)院的決定是不得人心的。)



英 [?n?p?pj?l?(r)] 美 [?n?pɑ:pj?l?(r)] 
名詞: unpopularity
