
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:41:57



  • 1、These texts give thereader an insight into the Chinese mind.(這些文章讓讀者對(duì)中國(guó)式的思維有了深入了解。)
  • 2、It tells thereader how to do something.(它告訴讀者怎樣去做某事。)
  • 3、The goodreader can recognize and understand general ideas and specific details.(優(yōu)秀的讀者能夠識(shí)別和理解總體思想和具體細(xì)節(jié)。)
  • 4、Now,reader, time what happened by your watch.(現(xiàn)在,讀者,用你的表來(lái)為發(fā)生的事情計(jì)時(shí)吧。)
  • 5、First, the goodreader usually reads rapidly.(首先,優(yōu)秀的讀者通常讀得很快。)
  • 6、In some cases the software is used as a "secondreader", to check the reliability of the human graders.(在某些情況下,該軟件被用作“第二閱讀者”,以檢查評(píng)分者的可信度。)
  • 7、Thereader is left to draw his or her own conclusions.(讀者需要自己去得出結(jié)論。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 8、He was regarded as a wonderfulreader.(他被公認(rèn)為是一位出色的朗讀者。)
  • 9、I mention this because such complications should alert the carefulreader. Right?(我提到這個(gè)是因?yàn)檫@樣的復(fù)雜度應(yīng)該引起細(xì)心的讀者的注意。對(duì)嗎?)
  • 10、I leave it to thereader to ferret these out.(我讓讀者來(lái)找出線索。)
  • 11、As onereader put it, "We just put all the bills in a pile, then try to decide which to pay."(正如一位讀者所說(shuō):“我們只是把所有的賬單都堆在一起,然后再?zèng)Q定該付哪一筆?!?
  • 12、Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to thereader.(懷特菜爾德的生活在讀者看來(lái)越來(lái)越像是真的。)
  • 13、To improve your reading habits, you must understand the characteristics of a goodreader.(要改善你的閱讀習(xí)慣,你必須了解一個(gè)好讀者的特點(diǎn)。)
  • 14、The virtual work of thereader does not involve surprise, does not involve the violation of expectations.(讀者的虛擬作品中沒(méi)有驚訝,也沒(méi)有違背期望。)
  • 15、Still, the non-mathematicalreader can go far in understanding mathematical reasoning.(不過(guò),非數(shù)學(xué)專業(yè)的讀者在理解數(shù)學(xué)推理方面還是可以走得很遠(yuǎn)的。)
  • 16、It demands that thereader almost become a writer and fill in the gaps.(它要求讀者幾乎成為一個(gè)作家然后填補(bǔ)空白。)
  • 17、Thereader is told the story in flashback.(故事是以倒敘手法向讀者講述的。)
  • 18、You'll lose thereader in the first paragraph.(你在第一段就會(huì)失去讀者。)
  • 19、I have been a faithfulreader of your newspaper for many years.(我是貴報(bào)多年來(lái)的忠實(shí)讀者。)
  • 20、It helps thereader learn rhetorical devices.(它幫助讀者學(xué)習(xí)修辭手段。)
  • 21、A sharp-eyedreader spotted the mistake in yesterday's paper.(一個(gè)眼尖的讀者發(fā)現(xiàn)了昨天報(bào)紙上的錯(cuò)誤。)
  • 22、He had an intuitive sense of what thereader wanted.(他能直覺(jué)地感到讀者需要什么。)
  • 23、Are you a 'Times'reader?(你是《泰晤士報(bào)》的讀者嗎?)
  • 24、I finally decided on "The Most Progressivereader".(我最終決定了“最進(jìn)步讀者”這一榮譽(yù)稱號(hào)的人選。)
  • 25、It should be noted that in these cases, areader can derive the intended meaning from the context.(應(yīng)該注意的是,在這些情況下,讀者可以通過(guò)上下文理解文中的意思。)
  • 26、You, dearreader, encounter a Rottweiler, not on a leash but loose. How do you react?(親愛(ài)的讀者,遇到一只沒(méi)有被皮帶栓住的羅特威爾犬。你會(huì)怎么反應(yīng)?)
  • 27、reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.(讀者,假設(shè)你是一個(gè)白癡。再假設(shè)你是一名國(guó)會(huì)成員。不過(guò)我的話說(shuō)重復(fù)了。)
  • 28、Conceived in this way, comprehension will not follow exactly the same track for eachreader.(以這種方式設(shè)想,每個(gè)讀者的理解將不會(huì)完全遵循相同的軌道。)
  • 29、Yet others go into mathematical procedures, but assume that thereader is adept in using algebra.(而另外一些深入探究了數(shù)學(xué)計(jì)算過(guò)程,但只面向熟悉代數(shù)的讀者。)
  • 30、You need to signpost for thereader the various points you are going to make.(你需要向讀者介紹你將闡述的各個(gè)論點(diǎn)。)



英 [?ri:d?(r)] 美 [?rid?] 
