
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:41:31



  • 1、Hequit his job as an office boy.(他辭去了辦公室勤雜員的工作。)
  • 2、Eventually she wants toquit teaching and work as a full-time journalist.(最終,她想放棄教學(xué),成為一名全職記者。)
  • 3、quit it! That hurts!(戒掉它吧!這東西害人!)
  • 4、I'vequit smoking.(我戒了煙。)
  • 5、We decided it was time toquit the city.(當(dāng)時(shí)我們決定,該離開城市生活了。)
  • 6、I want toquit this shanty.(我想離開這個(gè)破房子。)
  • 7、Look, Paul, it's still too early toquit, nobody is expected to be a superstar.(看,保羅,現(xiàn)在退出還為時(shí)過早,沒人指望成為超級(jí)明星。)
  • 8、Why did Jackson suddenly decide toquit his job?(為什么杰克遜突然決定辭職?)
  • 9、We only just started. We're not going toquit now.(我們才剛剛開始,現(xiàn)在決不放棄。)
  • 10、She relied on tough love and her parenting instincts to help himquit drinking.(她依靠嚴(yán)格的愛和她為人母的本能來幫他戒酒。)
  • 11、Well, parenthetically, I was trying toquit smoking at the time.(嗯,插一句,我那時(shí)正嘗試戒煙。)
  • 12、A nicotine spray can help smokersquit the habit.(一種尼古丁噴劑可以幫助吸煙者戒煙。)
  • 13、Why don't youquit and deliver flowers for me?(你為什么不離開然后替我送花呢?)
  • 14、It's not easy toquit smoking.(戒煙不容易。)
  • 15、People rarely manage toquit the first time they try.(很少人能在第一次戒煙的時(shí)候就成功。)
  • 16、Now, Jeannette hasquit work and their first child is on the way.(現(xiàn)在,珍妮特已經(jīng)辭職,他們的第一個(gè)孩子即將出生。)
  • 17、It seems clear that despite official denials, differences of opinion lay behind the ambassador's decision toquit.(很清楚,盡管官方否認(rèn),人們對(duì)大使決定辭職還是有不同看法。)
  • 18、My uncle hasn't been able toquit smoking.(我的叔叔沒能成功戒煙。)
  • 19、Science fiction writers have long dreamed that humans might one dayquit the earth to colonize other planets.(科幻小說作家們長期以來一直夢想著人類有一天可以離開地球移居到其它星球上。)
  • 20、Iquit smoking cold turkey.(我用突然戒煙法戒了煙。)
  • 21、Regardless of your stated preference, if you're ready toquit,quitting abruptly is more effective.(不管你所說的偏好如何,如果你已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好要戒煙,那么突然戒煙會(huì)更有效。)
  • 22、If you use tobacco, ask your doctor to help youquit.(如果你有使用煙草,請咨詢你的醫(yī)生幫助你戒掉。)
  • 23、Last year the director of Brazil's national libraryquit.(去年,巴西國家圖書館館長辭職。)
  • 24、The decision toquit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.(為了尋找更好的工作而辭去高級(jí)職位的決定是非常規(guī)的。)
  • 25、It is argued, stripping cartons of their branding will trigger no mass movement toquit.(有人認(rèn)為,剝離紙板箱上的品牌標(biāo)識(shí)不會(huì)引發(fā)大規(guī)模退出。)
  • 26、If I don't get more money I'llquit.(不給我加薪我就辭職。)
  • 27、Once upon a time, if you hated your job, you eitherquit or bit your lip.(曾幾何時(shí),如果你討厭你的工作,你要么辭職,要么咬緊牙關(guān)。) haO86.com
  • 28、quit acting like you didn't know.(別裝得像你不知道似的。)



英 [kw?t] 美 [kw?t] 
過去式: quit/quitted 過去分詞: quit/quitted 現(xiàn)在分詞: quitting 第三人稱單數(shù): quits
