
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:31



  • 1、The calmingeffect seemed to last for about ten minutes.(鎮(zhèn)靜效果好像持續(xù)了大約10分鐘。)
  • 2、The overalleffect of the painting is overwhelming.(這幅畫的總體效果氣勢磅礡。)
  • 3、Overseas investment has had a positiveeffect on exports.(海外投資對出口有積極影響。)
  • 4、Does television have aneffect on children's behaviour?(電視對孩子的行為有影響嗎?)
  • 5、Theeffect has proved hard to reproduce.(這種效果經(jīng)證實很難再造。)
  • 6、The new law takeseffect from tomorrow.(新法令明日起生效。)
  • 7、The price increase has had no perceptibleeffect on sales.(這次提價沒有對銷售產(chǎn)生明顯的影響。)
  • 8、Her words had a magicaleffect on us.(她的話對我們有一種魔力般的作用。)
  • 9、Thiseffect is particularly noticeable in younger patients.(這種作用在年輕一些的病人身上尤為明顯。)
  • 10、Ineffect, the two systems are identical.(實際上,這兩種系統(tǒng)完全一樣。)
  • 11、They had seriously miscalculated theeffect of inflation.(關(guān)于通貨膨脹的影響,他們的判斷嚴(yán)重失誤。)
  • 12、The aspirins soon takeeffect.(阿司匹林藥片很快見效。)
  • 13、The crisis had a negativeeffect on trade.(這次危機對貿(mào)易產(chǎn)生了很壞的影響。)
  • 14、One sideeffect of modern life is stress.(現(xiàn)代生活的一個附帶后果就是壓力。)
  • 15、The consensus is that risk factors have an accumulativeeffect.(一致意見認(rèn)為多種危險因素有積聚的效果。)
  • 16、The medicine did not achieve the desiredeffect.(這種藥未達到預(yù)期效果。)
  • 17、His voice had an almost hypnoticeffect.(他的聲音有一種近乎催眠的作用。)
  • 18、My father's death had a profoundeffect on us all.(父親的去世深深地影響了我們?nèi)摇?
  • 19、New controls come intoeffect next month.(下月開始實施新的管制措施。)
  • 20、We warned them, but to noeffect.(我們曾告誡過他們,但沒起任何作用。)
  • 21、The specific impact of the greenhouseeffect is unknowable.(溫室效應(yīng)的具體影響尚不可知。)
  • 22、Unemployment is having a corrosiveeffect on our economy.(失業(yè)對我國的經(jīng)濟起著破壞作用。)
  • 23、Affairs do have a devastatingeffect on marriages.(外遇著實對婚姻有極具破壞性的影響。)
  • 24、She is unconscious of theeffect she has on people.(她沒有察覺自己對大眾的影響。)
  • 25、The stage lighting gives theeffect of a moonlit scene.(舞臺燈光產(chǎn)生出月下景色的效果。)
  • 26、The announcement had a dramaticeffect on house prices.(這項公告對房屋價格產(chǎn)生了巨大的影響。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、His words had exactly the oppositeeffect.(他的話產(chǎn)生了截然相反的效果。)
  • 28、The colour green has a restfuleffect.(綠色使人感到寧靜。)
  • 29、They hope toeffect a reconciliation.(他們希望實現(xiàn)和解。)
  • 30、Theeffect is almost impossible to describe.(這影響幾乎無法言表。)



英 [??fekt] 美 [??f?kt] 
形容詞: effectible 名詞: effecter 過去式: effected 過去分詞: effected 現(xiàn)在分詞: effecting 第三人稱單數(shù): effects

