


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:33



  • 1、Not only was our defect rate lower, but thearchitecture and design were superior.(不僅僅是我們的缺陷率更低了,而且我們的架構和設計也更優(yōu)秀。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、Columns are usually intended inarchitecture to add grandeur and status.(柱子被用于建筑通常是為了增添宏偉和高貴。)
  • 3、He studied classicalarchitecture and design in Rome.(他在羅馬學過古典建筑藝術和設計。)
  • 4、While I know little aboutarchitecture, I find that building very impressive.(雖然我對建筑學知之甚少,但那個建筑讓我印象深刻。)
  • 5、This temple is a textbook example of traditional Chinesearchitecture.(這座寺廟是中國傳統(tǒng)建筑的典型范例。)
  • 6、Listen to part of a lecture in anarchitecture class.(請聽建筑課上的部分課堂內容。)
  • 7、To bearchitecture, a building must achieve a working harmony with a variety of elements.("要想成為建筑物,它必須與各種元素有效地協(xié)調在一起。)
  • 8、No onearchitecture has a singular focus.(沒有一個架構具有單一側重點。)
  • 9、It also describes thearchitecture of this application.(它還描述了這個應用的體系結構。)
  • 10、The exterior of the building was a masterpiece ofarchitecture, elegant and graceful.(該建筑物在外觀上是一項建筑杰作,精美雅致。)
  • 11、Even development inarchitecture has been the result of major technological changes.(甚至建筑的發(fā)展也是重大技術變革的結果。)
  • 12、architecture is a three-dimensional form.(建筑是三維形式的。)
  • 13、architecture is his line.(搞建筑是他的本行。)
  • 14、Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic andarchitecture were examined in situ in Venice.(主要的繪畫、雕塑、鑲嵌畫和建筑都在威尼斯原地得到了檢查。)
  • 15、You understand what domesticarchitecture ought to be, you do.(你知道住宅建筑應該是什么樣子的,你懂的。)
  • 16、Well, I am much more intoarchitecture.(嗯,我更喜歡建筑。)
  • 17、You'll find this style ofarchitecture all over the town.(全城到處可見這種風格的建筑。)
  • 18、But I think for a career,architecture is more for me.(但我覺得對于職業(yè)來講,建筑更適合我。)
  • 19、He began a new magazine on post-wararchitecture.(他創(chuàng)辦了一份專論戰(zhàn)后建筑的新雜志。)
  • 20、The house is a textbook example of medieval domesticarchitecture.(這座房子是中世紀民居建筑的典型范例。)
  • 21、As one architect puts it, "architecture is first and foremost about thinking."(正如一位建筑師所說:“建筑的第一位是思考。”)
  • 22、At the applicationarchitecture level, you have to step up to another level.(在應用程序架構級別,你必須上升到另一個層次。)
  • 23、Its modulararchitecture allows modules to be swapped in and out depending on the processor and operating system.(它的組件結構使得各組件可以依靠處理器和操作系統(tǒng)進行進出交換。)
  • 24、These two buildings typify the rich extremes of localarchitecture.(這兩座建筑物代表著當?shù)亟ㄖL格的迥異。)
  • 25、At first he studiedarchitecture, but later he switched to geology.(起初他學建筑,但后來轉到地質學。)
  • 26、The building is a prime example of 1960sarchitecture.(這座大樓是20世紀60年代的典型建筑。)
  • 27、In thisarchitecture, all data for each vertex must be available at the same time.(在這一架構中,來自各頂點的所有數(shù)據(jù)都必須同時可用。)
  • 28、This concept has been applied successively to painting,architecture and sculpture.(這一概念相繼應用于繪畫、建筑和雕塑中。)
  • 29、The cedar wood was exported as top-quality timber forarchitecture and shipbuilding.(雪松木被作為建筑和造船的優(yōu)質木材出口到其他國家。)
  • 30、It has wide international fame and is included in manyarchitecture textbooks.(它具有廣泛的國際知名度,被收錄在許多建筑學教科書中。)



英 [?ɑ:k?tekt??(r)] 美 [?ɑ:rk?tekt??(r)] 
形容詞: architectural 副詞: architecturally
