
更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:32



  • 1、I have toaccustom myself to the cold weather.(我得適應(yīng)這種寒冷的天氣。)
  • 2、You'll have toaccustom yourself to the new conditions.(你得使自己習(xí)慣于新的情況。)
  • 3、I cannotaccustom myself to cold weather.(我無法使自己習(xí)于寒冷的天氣。)
  • 4、She could notaccustom herself to a hot climate.(她不能使自己習(xí)慣于炎熱的氣候。)
  • 5、He had toaccustom himself to the cold weather of his new country.(他必須適應(yīng)新到國家的寒冷天氣。)
  • 6、You'll soonaccustom yourself to the climate here.(對這里的氣候你不久就會習(xí)慣的。)
  • 7、He soon getsaccustom to dormitory life and make two or three friend.(他不久就逐漸習(xí)慣了宿舍的生活并交了兩三個朋友。)
  • 8、First we had toaccustom ourselves to the long marches.(首先我們得使自己習(xí)慣于這種長途行軍。)
  • 9、A good traveler canaccustom himself to almost any kind of food.(一個善于旅行的人幾乎能使自己習(xí)慣于任何一種食物。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、They had toaccustom themselves to the hot weather.(他們不得不使自己習(xí)慣于炎熱的天氣。)
  • 11、You mustaccustom yourself to getting up early.(你必須使自己習(xí)慣于早起。)
  • 12、I have toaccustom myself to the busy life.(我不得不使自己習(xí)慣這忙碌的生活。)
  • 13、I canaccustom myself to cold weather.(我能習(xí)慣于冷天氣。)
  • 14、The hunter is trying toaccustom his hunting dog to the noise of a gun.(獵人正設(shè)法使他的獵犬適應(yīng)他的槍發(fā)出的噪音。)
  • 15、We had toaccustom ourselves to cold weather.(我們必須使自己適應(yīng)寒冷天氣。)
  • 16、Chefs mustaccustom themselves to working at a fast pace.(廚師必須養(yǎng)成快步調(diào)地工作。)
  • 17、She tried toaccustom herself to the tight bandages.(她嘗試著使自己習(xí)慣那些緊繃的繃帶。)
  • 18、Japanese are notaccustom to "presentation-as-discussion" style.(日本人不習(xí)慣“像討論一樣地講演”這種風(fēng)格。)
  • 19、When one has been in a family circle one cannotaccustom oneself to this life!(當(dāng)一個人已經(jīng)在家庭圈子里,他無法習(xí)慣于這種生活!)
  • 20、You mustaccustom yourself to the new environment.(你必須使自己適應(yīng)新環(huán)境。)
  • 21、He had toaccustom himself to the cold weather.(他不得不使自己習(xí)慣于寒冷的天氣。)
  • 22、It took him a while toaccustom himself to the idea.(他過了一段時間才習(xí)慣這個想法。)
  • 23、She found it necessary toaccustom her child to getting up early.(她覺得必須讓孩子養(yǎng)成早起的習(xí)慣。)
  • 24、My dear Sir, neveraccustom your mind to mingle virtue and vice.(我親愛的先生,千萬別讓你的心智習(xí)慣于混淆美德與邪惡。)
  • 25、Bring them up to work and strive, andaccustom them to hardship.(培養(yǎng)他們勤于勞動,奮發(fā)向上,讓他們習(xí)慣艱苦的條件。)



英 [??k?st?m] 美 [??k?st?m] 
過去式: accustomed 過去分詞: accustomed 現(xiàn)在分詞: accustoming 第三人稱單數(shù): accustoms
