
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:41:30



  • 1、The center says the pattern should begin toweaken in a week or two.(該中心說這一走勢應(yīng)該會在一兩周后開始減弱。)
  • 2、Israel has intervened even more forcefully toweaken the shekel.(以色列甚至使用強(qiáng)制性地手段使謝克爾貶值。)
  • 3、There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwiseweaken the Roche family's control of the firm.(提醒一下:他不是要參與并購或其他削弱羅技家族對該公司控制的行動(dòng)。)
  • 4、He did his best toweaken them.(他盡其所能去削弱他們。)
  • 5、Punishment and penalty fail toweaken the strong belief.(懲罰和罰款都不能削弱他們的堅(jiān)強(qiáng)信念。)
  • 6、It can also corrode andweaken the shell over time.(而且時(shí)間長了也還腐蝕弱化龜殼。)
  • 7、In any case, cash gifts canweaken the resolve of even the noblest person.(在任何情況下,即使是最高貴的人,現(xiàn)金禮物也會削弱他的決心。)
  • 8、Nothing couldweaken his resolve to continue.(什么也不能削弱他繼續(xù)下去的決心。)
  • 9、Don't you everweaken, Huck, and I won't.(你不會動(dòng)搖的,哈克,我也不會的。)
  • 10、It also tends toweaken the currency and increase inflation.(它削弱了貨幣流通并提高了通脹。)
  • 11、He accused them of conniving with foreign companies toweaken employment rights.(他指控他們與外國公司共謀來削弱雇用權(quán)。)
  • 12、He sees that warm water flows back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwardsweaken, or sometimes the other way round.(他發(fā)現(xiàn),當(dāng)通常向西吹的風(fēng)減弱時(shí),溫暖的海水就會向東流回,有時(shí)反之亦然。)
  • 13、They don't kill the plant butweaken it by degrees.(它們不是一下殺死植物,而是慢慢的,一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的侵蝕。)
  • 14、Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memoriesweaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.(遺忘顯然有助于時(shí)間的定位,因?yàn)榕f的記憶會減弱,新的記憶會突顯出來,從而為推斷持續(xù)的時(shí)間提供線索。)
  • 15、You must not agree to do it. Don'tweaken.(你們一定不能同意做這件事。別心軟。)
  • 16、If you tied me with seven ropes, it would make my strengthweaken.(如果你用七根繩子綁住我的話,我的力量就會因此變?nèi)醯摹?
  • 17、She felt her legsweaken.(她覺得兩腿無力。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 18、It's unclear whether climate change willweaken or intensify monsoons.(氣候變化會削弱還是加強(qiáng)季風(fēng),這點(diǎn)還不清楚。)
  • 19、Something as simple as a credit card canweaken self-control.(比如說一張簡單的信用卡就會減弱我們的自控力。)
  • 20、It couldweaken your immune system.(這會減弱你的免疫系統(tǒng)。)
  • 21、Brownouts this summer mightweaken people's anti-nuclear zeal.(今夏,限制用電的措施可能會挫敗人們抵制核電的熱情。)
  • 22、It will clearly lower rates. It willweaken the dollar.(這會明顯地降低利率,削弱美元。)
  • 23、He felt sorry for him and began first to waver and then toweaken.(他為他感到難過,內(nèi)心開始動(dòng)搖,然后變軟下來了。)
  • 24、Does this friendship strengthen me orweaken me?(這段友誼是讓我變強(qiáng)還是變?nèi)酰?
  • 25、But during this global recession, it could very wellweaken.(但是在這場全球性蕭條中,它會十分虛弱。)



英 [?wi:k?n] 美 [?wik?n] 
名詞: weakener 過去式: weakened 過去分詞: weakened 現(xiàn)在分詞: weakening 第三人稱單數(shù): weakens

v.使 ... 弱,削弱; 變?nèi)酰?弄淡