


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:30



  • 1、Giving the president the authority to go to war wouldstrengthen his hand for peace.(給予總統(tǒng)發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭的權(quán)利會加強他對于和平的掌控權(quán)。)
  • 2、At a time when young beauty shoppers are often turning to Sephora or Ulta instead of department store beauty counters, Macy's hopes Bluemercury will helpstrengthen its position in the category.(如今,年輕的美容消費者往往轉(zhuǎn)向Sephora或Ulta,而不是百貨公司的美容專柜,梅西百貨希望Bluemercury能幫助它鞏固在這一領(lǐng)域的地位。)
  • 3、Repairs are necessary tostrengthen the bridge.(這座橋需要加固。)
  • 4、Today the move is to liberate the woman, which may in the endstrengthen the marriage union.(今天的行動是解放婦女,這最終可能會加強婚姻聯(lián)盟。)
  • 5、To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces tostrengthen your leg muscles.(為避免膝蓋疼痛,您可以在柔軟的平面上跑步以增強腿部肌肉。)
  • 6、He has a new fitness regime tostrengthen his back.(他有一套新的健康養(yǎng)生法來加強他的背部力量。)
  • 7、It will draw you closer together, and it willstrengthen the bond of your relationship.(它會拉近你們的距離,而且它會鞏固你們聯(lián)系的紐帶。)
  • 8、We muststrengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.(大敵當(dāng)前,我們必須加強團結(jié)。)
  • 9、By raising a family's standard of living, a working wife maystrengthen her family's financial and emotional stability.(通過提高家庭的生活水平,一個有工作的妻子可以增強家庭的經(jīng)濟和情感穩(wěn)定性。)
  • 10、The exercises are designed tostrengthen your stomach muscles.(這些活動目的在于增強你的腹部肌肉。)
  • 11、Eat some enhanced resistance tostrengthen the body's resistance to food, like mushrooms, honey, agaric, kelp, citrus, jujube, etc.(多吃一些增強抵抗力的食物,如蘑菇、蜂蜜、木耳、海帶、柑橘、紅棗等。)
  • 12、Members of parliament have demanded that the policestrengthen their protection of themselves and their families.(國會議員要求警方加強保護自己和家人。)
  • 13、Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach tostrengthen the whole student.(在寫作中表達自我是我所教授的最重要的技能之一,它能提高學(xué)生的綜合能力。)
  • 14、Conversations are links, which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment willstrengthen the link.(交談就是聯(lián)系,這意味著當(dāng)你和一個陌生人交談時,一種聯(lián)系就形成了,而此后的每一次交談都會加強這種聯(lián)系。)
  • 15、The builders will have tostrengthen the existing joists with additional timber.(建筑工人們將不得不用額外的木料加固現(xiàn)有的接合處。)
  • 16、In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion to improve rural educational facilities andstrengthen the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions.(為了促進教育公平,中國已經(jīng)投入360億元,用于改善農(nóng)村地區(qū)教育設(shè)施和加強中西部地區(qū)農(nóng)村義務(wù)教育。)
  • 17、Both these factsstrengthen the case against hanging.(這兩大事實都是反對絞刑的充實理由。)
  • 18、If the government clamps down on the movement, that will only serve tostrengthen it in the long run.(如果政府要壓制該運動,從長遠來說那只會加強其力量。)
  • 19、Any experience can teach andstrengthen you, but particularly the more difficult ones.(任何經(jīng)歷都可以讓你學(xué)到東西,使你變得堅定,那些更困難的經(jīng)歷尤其如此。)
  • 20、She suggests that humans have always tried tostrengthen the pair bond to maximise reproductive success.(她指出,人類一直試圖加強配偶之間的聯(lián)系,以最大限度地提高繁殖成功率。) hAo86.com
  • 21、Tostrengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential.(加強香蒲植物資源在環(huán)保方面的開發(fā)利用,具有巨大的市場潛力。)
  • 22、Taking exercise can not onlystrengthen your body but also release you from stress.(做運動不僅能幫助你增強體魄還能讓你從壓力中釋放出來。)
  • 23、Taking part in some group activities is a good way tostrengthen friendships.(參加一些小組活動是增進友誼的好方法。)
  • 24、Perhaps more tests like these will eventually give the researchers the evidence they are seeking andstrengthen the case for the existence of telepathy.(也許更多類似的測試最終會給研究人員提供他們正在尋找的證據(jù),并加強心靈感應(yīng)存在的實例。)
  • 25、The new evidence willstrengthen their case.(新的證據(jù)將使他們的論據(jù)更為充分。)



英 [?stre?θn] 美 [?str??kθ?n,?str??-,?str?n-] 
名詞: strengthener 過去式: strengthened 過去分詞: strengthened 現(xiàn)在分詞: strengthening 第三人稱單數(shù): strengthens
