


更新時間:2024-08-27 11:41:29



  • 1、I'mdisappointed (that) it was sold out.(全都賣完了,我感到很失望。)
  • 2、Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may bedisappointed.(不要希望過高,否則你可能會失望的。)
  • 3、She wasdisappointed not to be chosen.(她沒有被選中感到很沮喪。)
  • 4、She was very muchdisappointed.(她非常失望。)
  • 5、When things go wrong, all of us naturally feeldisappointed and frustrated.(出問題時,我們自然而然都會覺得失望和沮喪。)
  • 6、disappointed? I was gutted!(失望?我是傷心透了!)
  • 7、To judge from what he said, he was verydisappointed.(從他的話判斷,他非常失望。)
  • 8、She tried not to show howdisappointed she was.(她極力掩飾她是多么失望。)
  • 9、She tried her hardest not to show howdisappointed she was.(她竭力不流露出自己有多失望。)
  • 10、I for one was sorelydisappointed.(拿我來說,我非常失望。)
  • 11、I'mdisappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you!(你真讓我失望—我原以為可以相信你的!)
  • 12、I wasdisappointed that John was not there.(我很失望約翰不在那兒。)
  • 13、They were bitterlydisappointed at the result of the game.(他們對比賽結(jié)果極為失望。)
  • 14、The stadium was jammed and they had to turn away hundreds ofdisappointed fans.(該體育場擠滿了人,他們不得不謝絕上百名失望的球迷入場。)
  • 15、I was bitterlydisappointed to have lost yet another race so near the finish.(我感到痛心沮喪,在那么接近終點的情形下又輸?shù)袅艘粓霰荣悺?
  • 16、He wasdisappointed to see she wasn't at the party.(看到她沒來參加晚會,他感到很失望。)
  • 17、I wasdisappointed by the quality of the wine.(這酒的質(zhì)量令我失望。)
  • 18、They shouldn't bedisappointed or let their heads fall, but walk tall.(他們不應該失望或垂頭喪氣,而應該昂首闊步。)
  • 19、The players were jeered bydisappointed fans.(球員受到大失所望的球迷奚落。)
  • 20、He was sodisappointed that he drove off in a huff.(他失望至極,憤然開車離去。)
  • 21、She wasdisappointed by his lack of initiative.(她對他缺乏主動性感到失望。)
  • 22、How can I face Tom? He'll be sodisappointed.(我怎樣才能和湯姆談呢?他會很失望的。)
  • 23、I was verydisappointed with myself.(我對自己感到非常失望。)
  • 24、He was feeling a shadedisappointed.(他略感失望。)
  • 25、He wasdisappointed and saddened that legal argument had stopped the trial.(讓他失望又難過的是,法庭辯論中止了審判。)
  • 26、I'mdisappointed, to be honest.(我很失望,說實在的。)
  • 27、They were understandablydisappointed with the result.(他們對結(jié)果感到失望是可以理解的。)
  • 28、To say I'mdisappointed is an understatement.(說我很失望是很輕的說法。)
  • 29、Overall I wasdisappointed.(總的來說,我感到失望。)



英 [?d?s??p??nt?d] 美 [?d?s??p??nt?d] 
副詞: disappointedly
