
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:46:40



  • 1、The two companies launched Lipton's iced tea in Guangzhou last week in a 50-50venture.(兩家公司上周在廣州成立了一家對半持股的合資企業(yè),推出了立頓冰茶。)
  • 2、They hoped the newventure would further the cause of cultural cooperation in Europe.(他們希望這個(gè)新項(xiàng)目將促進(jìn)歐洲文化合作事業(yè)。)
  • 3、venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home.(冒險(xiǎn)進(jìn)入這個(gè)地帶,你就會(huì)了解到任何一個(gè)把這里稱作家鄉(xiāng)的人所遭遇的困難。)
  • 4、The insecurity of theventure kept investors away.(這種冒險(xiǎn)事業(yè)的不安全性使投資者望而卻步。)
  • 5、Musk's latestventure, and wish him well.(馬斯克的最新冒險(xiǎn),并祝他一切順利。)
  • 6、Grace was flushed with the success of theventure.(格雷斯為這次成功冒險(xiǎn)感到興奮。)
  • 7、The nocturnal animals hide in underwater caves by day, thenventure out at night, feeding on small fish, squid, and octopus.(這種夜行性動(dòng)物白天時(shí)隱藏在水底洞穴里,晚上才出來冒險(xiǎn),它們以小魚、烏賊和章魚為食。)
  • 8、Successfulventure capital investment is a lot harder than it sometimes looks.(成功的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資本投資有時(shí)候比它看上去的情況要復(fù)雜得多。)
  • 9、A disastrous businessventure lost him thousands of dollars.(一個(gè)徹底失敗的經(jīng)營項(xiàng)目使他損失嚴(yán)重。)
  • 10、Any businessventure contains an element of risk.(任何商業(yè)投資都包含一定的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)因素。)
  • 11、His next televisionventure fell flat on its face.(他的下一個(gè)電視項(xiàng)目丟人現(xiàn)眼,徹底失敗了。)
  • 12、People are afraid toventure out for fear of sniper attacks.(人們不敢冒險(xiǎn)外出,害怕狙擊手的襲擊。)
  • 13、I told Norman I would invest in hisventure as long as he agreed to one proviso.(我告訴諾曼,只要他同意一個(gè)限制性條款我就投資他的企業(yè)。)
  • 14、She did notventure to say it out loud.(她不敢大聲說出來。)
  • 15、I was still uncommitted to theventure when we reached Kanpur.(直到我們到達(dá)坎普爾時(shí),我還是不太支持這次冒險(xiǎn)。)
  • 16、Theventure has been widely dismissed as a $264 million white elephant.(普遍認(rèn)為該2.64億美元的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資華而不實(shí)。)
  • 17、The band's drummer is the brains behind their latestventure.(這位樂隊(duì)鼓手是他們最近一次活動(dòng)的策劃人。)
  • 18、This would enable you to "get the feel" of the places concerned, which is vital for any businessman planning a major marketingventure.(這將使你能夠“感受”有關(guān)的地方,這對任何一個(gè)計(jì)劃著重大營銷冒險(xiǎn)的商人都是至關(guān)重要的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、The father of four posted video clip of his playfulventure on Facebook, advising parents to do fun and creative stuff with their kids.(這位有四個(gè)孩子的父親在Facebook上發(fā)布了一段好玩的冒險(xiǎn)視頻,建議父母們和孩子們一起做一些有趣而有創(chuàng)意的事情。)
  • 20、venture into this terrain and you get some idea of the hardships facing anyone who calls this home: farming is out of the question and nature offers meagre pickings.(冒險(xiǎn)進(jìn)入這片土地,你就會(huì)對任何一個(gè)把這里稱為家的人所面臨的困難有一些了解:耕作是不可能的,而大自然卻只能提供微薄的收成。)
  • 21、I am negotiating with financiers to raise seed capital for my latestventure.(我正同一些金融家協(xié)商,為我最新的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)企業(yè)籌集種子資金。)
  • 22、We sank all our savings into theventure.(我們把所有的積蓄都投進(jìn)了那家企業(yè)。)
  • 23、If we had a quarter as muchventure capital, I think there are too many contracts now.(如果資金數(shù)是風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資本的四分之一,我想現(xiàn)在訂立的合同太多了。)
  • 24、In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority businesses by making use of government-sponsoredventure capital.(在這種方式下,大公司利用政府資助的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)資本參與成功和穩(wěn)定的少數(shù)民族企業(yè)的發(fā)展。)
  • 25、She hardly dared toventure an opinion.(她幾乎不敢亮明觀點(diǎn)。)
  • 26、Refuse, an' you think you mayventure!(拒絕吧,你以為你敢冒險(xiǎn)!)
  • 27、Dozens of company boards are now discreetly sounding outventure capitalists to see if they will support management buyouts.(十幾家公司的董事會(huì)正在謹(jǐn)慎地試探風(fēng)險(xiǎn)投資者,以了解他們是否支持管理層收購。)
  • 28、It will be sold to a jointventure created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting.(它將被賣給一家由道瓊斯和西屋廣播建立的合資企業(yè)。)



英 [?vent??(r)] 美 [?v?nt??] 
名詞: venturer 過去式: ventured 過去分詞: ventured 現(xiàn)在分詞: venturing 第三人稱單數(shù): ventures

