
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:45:05



  • 1、Among the bending hickory andwalnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water.(在彎彎曲曲的山核桃和核桃樹(shù)之間,她的腳在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防著小龍蝦。)
  • 2、Sweet dumpling is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame,walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar.(湯圓是用糯米粉做皮,由玫瑰花瓣、芝麻、豆醬、棗泥、胡桃肉、干果、糖和食用油做餡,做成的小面球團(tuán)。)
  • 3、Groves of willow andwalnut trees sheltered pretty terraces of vines, maize, pumpkins and potatoes.(柳樹(shù)和核桃樹(shù)蔭護(hù)著參差的葡萄藤蔓,玉米,南瓜和土豆也在樹(shù)蔭下生長(zhǎng)。)
  • 4、She watches him plane the surface of awalnut board.(她看著他刨一塊胡桃木板。)
  • 5、"Try sticking awalnut in your mouth and then biting on it. It's not so easy," Strait says.(“嘗試把一顆核桃塞進(jìn)嘴里,然后咬一咬。咬碎沒(méi)那么容易,”斯特雷特說(shuō)。)
  • 6、Pleas quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for 10mt ofwalnut meat.(請(qǐng)報(bào)10噸核桃仁最低的CIF漢堡價(jià)格。)
  • 7、Yeah, not awalnut.(是的,不僅僅是核桃仁哦。)
  • 8、One of the first display cases houses something that looks like awalnut or a fruit pit;(在首批展示盒中,有個(gè)展品貌似一個(gè)核桃或果核;)
  • 9、It really does look like awalnut.(這看起來(lái)真的像兩個(gè)胡桃。)
  • 10、King among the nuts is thewalnut.(堅(jiān)果中的王者是核桃。)
  • 11、Other memory foods that contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids include flaxseed,walnut, salmon, soybean and winter squash.(其他記憶食物含有大量的omega-3脂肪酸,包括亞麻籽、核桃、鮭魚(yú)、大豆和冬季瓜。)
  • 12、Or would I buy in-shellwalnuts to make an orange-walnut-pomegranate relish?(或者是不是我可以買(mǎi)一些帶殼的核桃,然后做成一道橙子-核桃-石榴綜合的小菜?)
  • 13、Most of us can't open our mouths wide enough to crack awalnut on our molars comfortably.(我們大多數(shù)人都無(wú)法完全張開(kāi)嘴巴,在磨牙上舒適地咬碎核桃。)
  • 14、But king among them all is thewalnut.(而核桃正是所有堅(jiān)果中的王者。)
  • 15、They were perfectly round white things a trifle smaller than an Englishwalnut.(它們是完美的圓形白色物體,比英國(guó)胡桃小一點(diǎn)。)
  • 16、walnut Creek is just outside Oakland, loves Apple products, and has great Internet.(核桃溪市就在奧克蘭的外側(cè),喜歡Apple的產(chǎn)品,有強(qiáng)大的互聯(lián)網(wǎng)。)
  • 17、Please make us a cable offer for 5 metric tons ofwalnut.(請(qǐng)電報(bào)5噸核桃仁的價(jià)格。)
  • 18、To serve: Ladle into bowls, drizzle withwalnut oil and garnish with chives, if desired.(把煮好的東西放入碗里,加入核桃油,如果你喜歡,還可以放入香蔥以作裝飾。)
  • 19、Stranger still, the braincase was little bigger than awalnut.(更為奇怪的是,大腦甚至比胡桃還要小。)
  • 20、Topped with roastedwalnut Sauce.(冠上用烤核桃調(diào)味汁。)
  • 21、She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavywalnut bed with a curtain. Her gray head propped on a yellow and moldy pillow.(她死在樓下的一個(gè)房間里,在一張厚重的有床簾的胡桃木床上。她那灰色的腦袋枕在發(fā)黃發(fā)霉的枕頭上。)
  • 22、This dessert, awalnut served on a scoop of goat's milk ice cream?(這道甜點(diǎn),一個(gè)核桃仁在一勺羊奶冰淇淋上?)



英 [?w?:ln?t] 美 [?w?l?n?t, -n?t] 
