
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:55:02



  • 1、The room had fallensilent.(整個(gè)房間都變得靜悄悄的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 2、She wassilent, smiling mysteriously.(她沉默不語,神秘地笑著。)
  • 3、All issilent on the island now.(現(xiàn)在這個(gè)島上一片寂靜。)
  • 4、The room wassilent except for the TV.(除了電視的聲音,那房間里寂靜無聲。)
  • 5、They huddled together insilent groups.(他們一群群地圍在一起,默不作聲。)
  • 6、As the curtain rose, the audience fellsilent.(幕啟時(shí),觀眾安靜下來。)
  • 7、At last the traffic fellsilent.(車輛的喧囂終于消逝了。)
  • 8、When I approached, they grewsilent.(當(dāng)我走近時(shí),他們變得沉默了。)
  • 9、They nodded insilent agreement.(他們默默地點(diǎn)頭表示同意。)
  • 10、The three men remainedsilent.(這3個(gè)人保持沉默。)
  • 11、But she wassilent.(但她沉默不語。)
  • 12、You have the right to remainsilent if you choose.(如果你愿意,你有權(quán)保持沉默。)
  • 13、Thesilent majority of supportive parents and teachers should make their views known.(表示支持的父母和老師們是沉默的大多數(shù),他們應(yīng)該公開表達(dá)他們的觀點(diǎn)。)
  • 14、Instantly everyone wassilent.(大家立刻都安靜了。)
  • 15、He's the strongsilent type.(他是那種強(qiáng)悍而沉默寡言的人。)
  • 16、The house was unnaturallysilent.(房子異常地寂靜。)
  • 17、Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remainsilent.(由于對(duì)這個(gè)評(píng)論的含義不確定,賴爾選擇了保持沉默。)
  • 18、Tom wassilent a moment.(湯姆沉默了一會(huì)兒。)
  • 19、The 'b' in 'lamb' issilent.(lamb中的b不發(fā)音。)
  • 20、She wassilent, her eyes downcast.(她不做聲,目光低垂。)
  • 21、She wassilent for a moment, lips tight shut, eyes distant.(她沉默了片刻,雙唇緊閉,兩眼茫然。)
  • 22、The grandmother remainedsilent.(祖母保持沉默。)
  • 23、Her voice quavered and she fellsilent.(她的聲音顫抖著,繼而沉默了下來。)
  • 24、Owen has been uncharacteristicallysilent.(歐文一反常態(tài)地保持著沉默。)
  • 25、Harry was curiouslysilent through all this.(哈利自始至終都令人不解地保持著沉默。)
  • 26、He was unsmiling andsilent.(他十分嚴(yán)肅,一言不發(fā)。)
  • 27、When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remainsilent.(她出庭時(shí)行使了自己保持沉默的權(quán)利。)
  • 28、The streets weresilent and deserted.(大街小巷寂無一人。)
  • 29、He remainedsilent for some time.(他好長時(shí)間都保持沉默。)



英 [?sa?l?nt] 美 [?sa?l?nt] 
副詞: silently 名詞: silentness

