
更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 11:52:50



  • 1、She's veryyoung and not very experienced.(她很年輕,還不太老練。)
  • 2、She was soyoung, so unworldly.(她那樣年輕,那樣不諳世事。)
  • 3、This workshop helpsyoung unemployed people.(這個(gè)講習(xí)班幫助失業(yè)的年輕人。)
  • 4、He seemed soyoung, a mere boy.(他看來(lái)那么年輕,只是個(gè)孩子。)
  • 5、Manyyoung people are out of work.(很多年輕人失業(yè)。)
  • 6、The blow sent theyoung man flying.(那一擊將那年輕人打翻在地。)
  • 7、She is an articulateyoung woman.(她是個(gè)善表達(dá)的年輕女子。)
  • 8、Theyoung woman was tall and slim.(那個(gè)年輕女子個(gè)子高挑,身材苗條。)
  • 9、She's stillyoung and idealistic.(她還年輕并且耽于空想。)
  • 10、young people these days have no morals.(現(xiàn)在的年輕人根本不講道德。)
  • 11、He's a brilliantyoung scientist.(他是一個(gè)才華橫溢的青年科學(xué)家。)
  • 12、He wasyoung and impetuous.(他年輕,易沖動(dòng)。)
  • 13、He wasyoung and highly suggestible.(當(dāng)時(shí)他年輕,很容易聽(tīng)信他人。)
  • 14、Idealisticyoung people died for the cause.(理想主義的年輕人為這項(xiàng)事業(yè)而獻(xiàn)身。)
  • 15、Most crimes are committed byyoung men.(多數(shù)罪行都是年輕人犯下的。)
  • 16、Times have changed since Grandma wasyoung.(世易時(shí)移,現(xiàn)在已不是祖母年輕時(shí)那會(huì)兒了。)
  • 17、Her grandchildren keep heryoung.(她的孫子孫女讓她保持年輕。)
  • 18、She has coached hundreds ofyoung singers.(她培養(yǎng)了許許多多的青年歌手。)
  • 19、Theyoung man flopped back, unconscious.(那年輕人仰面倒下,不省人事。)
  • 20、He was a punctiliousyoung man.(他是個(gè)拘謹(jǐn)?shù)哪贻p人。)
  • 21、Thisyoung musician has a bright future.(這位年輕的音樂(lè)家前途無(wú)量。)
  • 22、They marriedyoung.(他們很年輕時(shí)就結(jié)了婚。)
  • 23、She's a very independent-mindedyoung woman.(她是個(gè)很有主見(jiàn)的年輕女子。)
  • 24、young people often kick against the rules.(年輕人常常違反規(guī)定。)
  • 25、He tortured and mutilated sixyoung men.(他折磨致殘了6個(gè)年輕男人。)
  • 26、Ayoung unknown played the leading role.(演主角的是一個(gè)名不見(jiàn)經(jīng)傳的年輕人。)
  • 27、She wasyoung enough to be malleable.(她當(dāng)時(shí)年輕得足以輕易地被別人影響。)
  • 28、He is a remarkably poisedyoung man.(他是個(gè)特別穩(wěn)健的年輕人。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 29、He was with an attractiveyoung lady.(他與一位漂亮的年輕女子在一起。)
  • 30、Twoyoung girls were collecting firewood.(兩位年輕女孩在采集柴火。)



英 [j??] 美 [j??] 
比較級(jí): younger 最高級(jí): youngest 名詞: youngness

