
a blast of造句

a blast of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:50:20


a blast of造句

  • 1、a blast of hot air blows in.(一股熱空氣吹進(jìn)來。)
  • 2、a blast of hot air hit us as we stepped off the plane.(我們下飛機(jī)時(shí),一股熱浪向我們襲來。)
  • 3、We were left at peace on our beds as long as the summer moon shone, but the momenta blast of winter returns, you must run for shelter!(夏天月亮照著的時(shí)候,你還讓我們安安穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地睡覺,可是冬天的大風(fēng)一刮回來,你就非要找安身的地方不可了!)
  • 4、He and his team grew tiny polystyrene spheres until they were some 200 nanometres across, before hardening them witha blast of heat.(他和他的團(tuán)隊(duì),先培育聚苯乙烯球直到它們的直徑為200納米,再用一股強(qiáng)熱將其硬化。)
  • 5、And it's never more apparent than on Twisted Fantasy,a blast of surreal pop excess that few artists are capable of creating, or even willing to attempt.(而且這從來沒有比在TwistedFantasy更顯而易見過——超現(xiàn)實(shí)主義流行過剩的猛烈一擊——這是極少藝術(shù)家有能力創(chuàng)造,甚至愿意嘗試的。)
  • 6、The Fly-Bag has already been tested, with favourable results, againsta blast of the force that caused the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in 1988.(該飛機(jī)安全袋已經(jīng)經(jīng)過爆炸沖擊試驗(yàn),效果很好。試驗(yàn)用炸彈的威力相當(dāng)于1988年造成洛克比上空泛美103航班空難的炸彈。)
  • 7、After the gentlest of swirls, the buttery brioche bouquet gave way toa blast of dark fruit and sawdust.(拿在手上輕輕搖了搖,那黃油蛋卷花變成了一股股黑色的水果和屑末。)
  • 8、In neighbouring Poland, where severe frost has killed 93 people so far this winter,a blast of cold and new train timetables combined to cause chaos on the rail network.(在鄰國波蘭,嚴(yán)重的霜凍至今已經(jīng)凍死93人,寒冷造成新鐵路網(wǎng)絡(luò)的混亂。)
  • 9、In his soaked clothes, he felt bitterly cold whena blast of wind passed by.(他穿著濕透了的衣服,風(fēng)一吹,就感到透心涼。)
  • 10、The press responded to his remarks witha blast of criticism.(新聞界以嚴(yán)厲的批評(píng)回應(yīng)了他的言論。)
  • 11、Relieved of the overlying pressure, the volcano ejecteda blast of rocks, ash, gas, and steam that blew down and buried several hundred square miles of forest.(隨著頂部壓力的解除,火山激烈噴涌出大股的巖石、灰塵、氣體和蒸氣,降落下來后覆蓋了數(shù)百平方英里范圍內(nèi)的森林。)
  • 12、The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directinga blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.(發(fā)明家亨利·貝塞默發(fā)現(xiàn),在熔爐里對(duì)熔化的鐵直接吹一吹空氣,就會(huì)燒壞使鐵變脆的雜質(zhì)。)
  • 13、Many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down bya blast of wind.(許多人費(fèi)力地?fù)沃鴤悖驗(yàn)榭偸谴祦硪魂囮嚨娘L(fēng)。)
  • 14、Trees quailed beforea blast of wind.(樹木在一陣強(qiáng)風(fēng)中彎身劇顫。)
  • 15、Their research suggests that "true circles" are created in a very few minutes bya blast of energy.(他們的研究表明,那些“真正的怪圈”是某股能量在短短幾分鐘之內(nèi)創(chuàng)造出來的。)
  • 16、If you've got pale or neutral-coloured cabinetry, a splashback is the perfect place to injecta blast of colour.(要是你的櫥柜是淺色的,那么煤氣灶后面的防濺墻做得鮮艷一點(diǎn)就能給廚房注入一抹亮色。)
  • 17、The winds shall do battle together witha blast of ill-omen, making their din reverberate from one constellation to another.(風(fēng)會(huì)連同一股壞的預(yù)兆而發(fā)起戰(zhàn)役——預(yù)兆,制造出它們的喧嘩,從星座反響出來。)
  • 18、The debate provoked by Mr Sarrazin has unleasheda blast of cultural warfare.(由薩拉青引發(fā)的此番爭議已引爆文化沖突。)
  • 19、"There'sa blast of motivation and ambition to meet our goals, " said the 23-year-old Mohammed Bozeid editor.(我們是用我們的雄心和動(dòng)力來努力達(dá)到我們的目標(biāo),23歲的編輯MohammedBozeid說。)
  • 20、a blast of wind blew the window and the door agape.(一陣風(fēng)把門和窗子都吹開了。)
  • 21、In this engine, air is converted, by burning fuel, intoa blast of hot gas moving at high velocity.(在這種發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)中,空氣通過燃燒燃料轉(zhuǎn)換成高速運(yùn)動(dòng)的一陣熱的氣體。)
  • 22、The idea is to usea blast of energy to fry the enemy’s computers and telecommunications gear.(電磁脈沖概念是利用能量突然爆發(fā)來燒毀敵人的計(jì)算機(jī)和通信設(shè)備。)
  • 23、a blast of wind is coming.(一陣大風(fēng)就要來了。)
  • 24、In the photon picture, an electron literally absorbsa blast of energy as opposed to a gradual trickle.(在光子圖象中,一個(gè)電子確確實(shí)實(shí)是一下子吸收一股能量,而不是逐漸地吸收。)
  • 25、If, for instance, you have a ball held up in the air bya blast of air, it is floating on air.(例如,你有一個(gè)球是通過空氣爆發(fā)的方式被舉起來的,它現(xiàn)在就浮在空氣當(dāng)中。) [hao86.com好工具]

a blast of基本釋義
