
a bird in the hand造句

a bird in the hand造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:50:18


a bird in the hand造句

  • 1、His father says thata bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(他的父親說(shuō),雙鳥(niǎo)在林不如一鳥(niǎo)在手。)
  • 2、He is a fool who lets slipa bird in the hand for a bird in the bush.(如果一個(gè)人為抓林中的鳥(niǎo)兒卻讓手中的鳥(niǎo)兒飛了,那他就是個(gè)傻瓜。)
  • 3、Take the $250.a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(就250塊賣(mài)了吧,一鳥(niǎo)在手勝過(guò)二鳥(niǎo)在林。)
  • 4、But I say, “A bird and a feather in the bush is worth more than ten birds in the hand.”(人人都說(shuō),“一鳥(niǎo)在手勝過(guò)十鳥(niǎo)在林?!钡俏艺f(shuō),“一鳥(niǎo)一羽毛勝過(guò)十鳥(niǎo)在手?!?
  • 5、Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy shiver of a bird in full song.(偶爾運(yùn)氣好時(shí),把手輕放到有棵小樹(shù)上,可以感覺(jué)到從一只歡唱小鳥(niǎo)兒腳下傳來(lái)的微微震動(dòng)。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 6、Another temporary discount may not be what you want, but at least it isa bird in the hand.(再一次臨時(shí)打折可能達(dá)不到你所希望的,但至少這是已經(jīng)到手的東西。)
  • 7、we have R4 standing for intense realism, which means an attitude of accepting life as it is and of regardinga bird in the hand as better than two in the bush.(我們用“現(xiàn)四”來(lái)代表濃厚的現(xiàn)實(shí)主義,這種濃厚的現(xiàn)實(shí)主義就是指一種安于人生現(xiàn)狀的態(tài)度,是一種認(rèn)為“二鳥(niǎo)在林,不如一鳥(niǎo)在手”的態(tài)度。)
  • 8、a bird in the hand, after all — and Office is a bird that generates extraordinarily spacious profit margins exceeding 60%.(畢竟,一鳥(niǎo)在手——辦公軟件就是那只能獲得超過(guò)60%極大利潤(rùn)率的鳥(niǎo)。)
  • 9、With a sling in one hand and the lip of his robe held in the other hand, he followed the bird to go deep into the garden.(他一只手提著自己長(zhǎng)袍的下擺,一只手拿著彈弓,緊跟著這只鳥(niǎo)兒深入了栗園之中。)
  • 10、a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.(一鳥(niǎo)在手勝過(guò)萬(wàn)鳥(niǎo)在林的英文是甚么?。)
  • 11、It looks like a small bird, high in the sky. It has a long tail fast in the hand.(它看起來(lái)像一只小鳥(niǎo),高高的飛在天空中。它有一根長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的線緊緊的抓在手中。)
  • 12、If the accepting top school supports your goals and provides an acceptable educational environment (and you shouldn't have applied if it didn't), then a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.(如果我拿到了名校的錄取通知,而且這個(gè)學(xué)校能夠達(dá)到我的目標(biāo)并且提供不錯(cuò)的教育環(huán)境(如果不能的話你不應(yīng)該申請(qǐng)它),那么到手的錄取通知準(zhǔn)備沒(méi)影的好。)
  • 13、The Bird of Fortune's feather touched his forehead, became a pen in his hand, and brought him such luck, that very soon he became a wealthy merchant.(幸運(yùn)鳥(niǎo)的羽毛觸到了他的額頭,成了他手中的一支筆。不久他成了一個(gè)富有的商人。)
  • 14、Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song.(有時(shí),如果我很幸運(yùn),我把手輕輕的放在一棵小樹(shù)上,還能感覺(jué)到一只高聲歌唱的小鳥(niǎo)的愉快顫抖。)
  • 15、She held the bird in her hand and found a small note bound on one of the bird's legs.(她把這只鳥(niǎo)抓來(lái)放在手上﹐發(fā)現(xiàn)有一封信綁在鳥(niǎo)的一只腿上。)

a bird in the hand基本釋義

a bird in the hand

英 [? b?:d in e? h?nd] 美 [e b?d ?n ei h?nd] 
