
be going to造句

be going to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:58:08


be going to造句

  • 1、Right now, they shallbe going to the gate to beg.(現(xiàn)在他們正要去乞討呢。)
  • 2、It all seemed tobe going to plan.(似乎事情正按計劃進行中。)
  • 3、Webe going to the cinema tonight.(我們今晚可能會去看電影。)
  • 4、If you happen tobe going to the post office, please get me some commemorative stamps.(你上郵局的話,捎帶給我買幾張紀(jì)念郵票。)
  • 5、Will yoube going to see the director's cut of Amadeus?(你會去看《阿馬迪厄斯》的導(dǎo)演剪輯版嗎?)
  • 6、Whether miscellaneous output shouldbe going to the Apache error log is up to you. Also.(是否要將各種輸出寫入到Apache錯誤日志,這由您決定。)
  • 7、Tom spoke out, with lively apprehension, "Webe going to the dogs, 'tis plain."(湯姆憂心忡忡地說:“很明顯,我們要完蛋了?!?
  • 8、We don't need tobe going to the shop all the time.(我們不必花全部的時間去專賣店里。)
  • 9、UNICEF Spokesman, Michael Klaus, says he does not know how many children actually willbe going to school.(聯(lián)合國兒童基金會發(fā)言人克勞斯說,他不知道有多少學(xué)生真的會去上學(xué)。)
  • 10、The money we raise willbe going to a very worthy cause.(我們籌集的錢款將用于非常崇高的事業(yè)。)
  • 11、She was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she wouldbe going to a fancy-dress party with her husband.(那天上午,她興奮得什么家務(wù)活都不想做,因為晚上她要同丈夫一起參加一個化裝舞會。)
  • 12、But be warned: you may notbe going to sleep anytime soon!(但是我得警告你:別想輕易就能入睡了!)
  • 13、If the world appears tobe going to hell, goes the thinking, perhaps that’s just what is happening.(如果世界看上去正走向毀滅,人們也會更多的去思考,也許正在發(fā)生的就是如此而已。)
  • 14、The biggest city in the district was New Haven, where I'dbe going to law school, and the district included Milford, where I would be living.(在這個選區(qū)中,最大的城市是紐黑文——我后來就是到紐黑文的法學(xué)院讀書的。米爾福德也在這個選區(qū),那是我后來生活的地方。)
  • 15、I'd onlybe going to familiarize myself with the process, you know, check it out, I was wondering if there is anything you would recommend that I do to prepare.(我只是想讓自己熟悉一下這個過程,你知道的,我想知道你有沒有什么建議我準(zhǔn)備的。)
  • 16、Anyone lucky enough tobe going to Honolulu doesn't have to give a reason for going.(所有有幸去檀香山的人都無需給自己找什么理由,而只需說:“我們要去檀香山了。”) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 17、I don't think on the basis of this report people shouldbe going to their GPs.(我認(rèn)為大家不應(yīng)該根據(jù)這份研究報告就去找他們的醫(yī)生。)
  • 18、That cottage place seems tobe going to rack and ruin.(那座小屋看起來要倒塌似的。)
  • 19、I've already given you an overview of what topics we'llbe going to.(我已經(jīng)給你們大致介紹了一下,我們將要進行的主題。)
  • 20、But according to China's state media, some job hopefuls maybe going to extremes.(但據(jù)中國國有媒體報導(dǎo),一些求職者卻可能走向了極端。)
  • 21、She called her children in North Carolina, ages 3 and 1, and told themshe would soonbe going to work in a place called Afghanistan.(昨夜她打電話給她在南加州的兩個兒子,一個三歲,另一個一歲,告訴孩子們她將要去一個叫做阿富汗的地方工作,要去一年。)
  • 22、The way this typically works is, a couple willbe going to a party, and they'll agree they're going to leave the house at 7:30 p.m.(這種差異起作用的一個典型情況是,一對夫婦要去參加一個派對,并且他們約定晚上七點半出發(fā)。)
  • 23、Life is too short tobe going to work every day unhappy.(生命太過短暫,何必每天不開心地工作。)
  • 24、B: Good, you mustbe going to the ceremony.(B:好啊,那你一定要去參加婚禮嘍。)
  • 25、Secretary General Moussa said he wouldbe going to Beirut in the next few days for talks on the proposal.(穆薩說,他將在未來幾天前往貝魯特討論這份建議書。)
  • 26、The reality of it is that a lot of low-income kids couldbe going to elite universities on a full ride scholarship and don't even realize it.(其現(xiàn)實情況是,很多低收入家庭的孩子可能拿著全額獎學(xué)金上著名牌大學(xué),卻沒有意識到這一點。)
  • 27、That couldbe going to your child's college fund, swapping to a healthier diet, or to your dream of taking your child to Argentina with you.(這些錢可以作為你孩子大學(xué)的基金了,或者換一個更健康的食譜,或者實現(xiàn)你帶著孩子去阿根廷的夢想!)

be going to基本釋義

be going to

英 [bi: ?g???? tu:] 美 [bi ?ɡo?? tu] 
將要; 打算(做)
