bear out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:57:40


bear out造句

  • 1、To you, I am willing tobear out everything!(為了你,我愿意負出一切!)
  • 2、Now Goldilocks had pulled the pillow of the Great Bigbear out of its place.(現在他們發(fā)現金發(fā)姑娘把大大熊的枕頭拖出了它原來的位置。)
  • 3、The research findingsbear out my theory.(研究的結果證實我的理論。)
  • 4、But the researchers' findings didn'tbear out that prediction.(但是研究結果并沒有證實這個預言。)
  • 5、Kobe the polarbear out for a swim at the Reid Park Zoo in Tucson, Arizona.(北極熊kobe在亞利桑那圖森的雷德公園動物園進行戶外游泳。)
  • 6、Time willbear out what I've said.(時間將會為我所說的話作證。)
  • 7、All events have borne out and will continue tobear out the correctness of this appraisal.(一切事變,都已經證明并且將繼續(xù)證明這些估計的正確性。)
  • 8、Starting today, do yourself a favor, no longerbear out eyes!(從今天開始,幫自己一個忙,不再承受身外的目光!)
  • 9、The experimental resultsbear out our supposition.(實驗結果證實了我們的假設。)
  • 10、I do not think the relevant fragmentsbear out this view.(我并不以為有關的斷簡殘篇能支持這種看法。)
  • 11、And Goldilocks had pulled the bolster of the Middle-sizedbear out of its place.(然后發(fā)現金發(fā)姑娘把中等熊的墊子拖出了它原來的位置。)
  • 12、The test resultsbear out our claims.(他堅決主張進行這項試驗。)
  • 13、The colour willbear out soon.(顏色很快就要顯示出來了。)
  • 14、I hope you willbear out what I tell him.(我希望你能證實我對他講的話。)
  • 15、Facts willbear out the statement.(事實將證實這項陳述。)
  • 16、These factsbear out what I said yesterday.(這些事實印證了我昨天所說的。)
  • 17、"Please" and "thank you" help quite a lot to make a politebear out of one who is not.(多說“請”和“謝謝”,沒有禮貌的孩子也會變得彬彬有禮。)
  • 18、Reams of researchbear out the hygiene hypothesis.(其實有大量的研究結果都支持衛(wèi)生假說。)
  • 19、On the surface, the numbers appear tobear out this conclusion.(表面上看,各項數據似乎證明這個結論是站得住腳的。)
  • 20、The databear out Lykken's thought experiment.(實驗數據證明lykken的設想是正確的。)
  • 21、The other witnesses willbear out what I say.(其他證人將會證實我的話。)
  • 22、The figuresbear out Mr Immelt's impressions.(數字也證實了伊梅爾特的看法。)
  • 23、The Real estate professions in 2007 justbear out this point.(而2007年的房地產行業(yè)就證實了這么一點。)
  • 24、I hope you willbear out what I tell you.(我希望你能證實我告訴你的話。)
  • 25、Modern findings do notbear out the old belief that the earth is flat.(現代的研究結果否定了地球是個平面的古老信念。)
  • 26、Unhappily the facts do not whollybear out the theory.(遺憾的是,事實不完全證實該理論。)

bear out基本釋義

bear out

英 [b?? aut] 美 [b?r a?t] 
證實; 支持