
bring the house down造句

bring the house down造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:56:16


bring the house down造句

  • 1、In his apartment, there was only one tiny window. So they would bring the chairs down, put them in front of the house, and enjoy the evening air.(而他住的公寓里只有一扇小得可憐的窗子,于是他們把椅子拿到樓下,在屋門口擺開,享受傍晚的涼風(fēng)。)
  • 2、Join an all new cast of quirky animals tobring the house down.(所有新加入的演員古怪動(dòng)物,把房子。)
  • 3、This has led local residents to nickname the building the House Without Windows, although there are two large rooftop openings that bring daylight down to the two secluded courtyards.(這讓當(dāng)?shù)氐木用駪蚍Q這是一個(gè)沒有窗戶的房子,盡管有兩個(gè)大的屋頂開口,把光線帶到兩個(gè)僻靜的庭院。)
  • 4、Whenever we have a family gathering, my father always tells jokes that bring down the house.(我們每次家庭聚會(huì)時(shí),我爸總是會(huì)講笑話,使家里笑聲滿堂。)
  • 5、Some Banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.(一些銀行將這筆資金的使用限定在繳納房子的首付款上,從而為旗下的抵押貸款分支機(jī)構(gòu)帶來業(yè)務(wù)。)
  • 6、A plan, on the other hand, lays out the structural details that will bring that house into existence, down to every last window, rain gutter and light socket.(設(shè)計(jì)圖則與此相反,它承載的是要把這個(gè)建筑從紙上變成成品所需要的所有建造細(xì)節(jié),細(xì)化到每一扇窗戶、每一條排水溝和每一個(gè)電燈插座。)
  • 7、Do you have what it takes to bring down the house?(你有需要采取哪些措施來降低房子嗎?)
  • 8、Sarah is a musical genius. Her performances alwaysbring the house down.(莎拉非常有音樂才能。她的表演總能贏得滿堂彩。) haO86.com
  • 9、The monkeys of the circus always give very funny and interesting performances and every time they make their appearance on the stage theybring the house down.(馬戲團(tuán)的猴子表演令人發(fā)笑,每當(dāng)它們出現(xiàn)在舞臺上,總能博得全場觀眾的喝采。)

bring the house down基本釋義