
bump into造句

bump into造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:56:00


bump into造句

  • 1、I didn't mean tobump into you.(我不是故意撞到你的。)
  • 2、Did you mean tobump into me?(你是想撞到我嗎?)
  • 3、I tried to avoid her, but it was just my luck tobump into her.(我不想見她,偏撞上她了。)
  • 4、If youbump into patrollers at the right rate, it's time to go foraging. If not, better wait.(如果接觸的是巡邏工正確的頻率,就可以外出;而如果頻率不對,則最好再等等。)
  • 5、When it's dark, we maybump into things without the help of light.(當天黑時,我們可能會在沒有光的情況下撞到東西。)
  • 6、I was lucky enough tobump into Kapoor himself, and I asked him about his work.(我有幸撞上了卡普爾本人,我向他請教他的作品。)
  • 7、It's as though the ordinary earthly objects, webump into them or theybump into us, and they get us to look upwards to the heavenly Platonic realm.(這就像普通的地球物體,我們撞到它們,或者它們撞到我們,它們讓我們仰望天堂的柏拉圖王國。)
  • 8、My car ranbump into the wall.(我的車撞到墻上了。)
  • 9、You can alwaysbump into people you know in the street.(你總是能在街上遇到熟人。)
  • 10、It's not hard tobump into furniture.(走在這間屋子里,很難不撞到家具。)
  • 11、We don't everbump into justice itself.(我們根本不可能撞見正義本身。)
  • 12、It's impossible to stroll through modern Rome and notbump into reminders of its ancient past.(即便徜徉在現(xiàn)代的羅馬城里,你也無法不被它的歷史遺跡所震撼。)
  • 13、When you do not pay attention, youbump into tables, chairs, doorways, you name it.(當您不注意的時候,您碰到桌子、椅子、門口,凡是您想得到的。)
  • 14、You never know who you are going tobump into in Yiwu.(在義烏,你永遠不會知道將會遇到誰。)
  • 15、Still, it came as a surprise tobump into no fewer than four of them.(盡管這樣,我還是感到很奇怪,因為我在這里至少遇見了四個車手。)
  • 16、But we still — even though we don'tbump into the Platonic forms in this world — we can think about them.(盡管在這個世界上無法遇到型相,但是我們仍能去設想。)
  • 17、Such people neverbump into other people.(這種人從來不會撞到別人。)
  • 18、He plans to do it at Monica's favorite restaurant, but theybump into Richard there, which derails his plans.(他計劃帶莫妮卡到她最喜愛的餐廳再求婚,卻碰見理查德,求婚計劃被迫延期。)
  • 19、It's not as though the number two is something that you see or hear or taste or couldbump into.(數字2不是,你能看到或聽到或嘗到或遇到的東西。)
  • 20、I happened tobump into Mervyn Johns in the hallway.(我碰巧在走廊里撞見了默文·約翰斯。)
  • 21、Let us hope they are found and tried before their victimsbump into them.(希望能及早發(fā)現(xiàn)并審判他們,可再別讓受害者撞見他們了。)
  • 22、How nice tobump into you!(碰到你真高興!) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 23、I'm sorry tobump into you.(很抱歉,我撞著你了。)
  • 24、You have to hold onto them. Theybump into things. They laugh and cry. They urinate. They vomit.(他們走路要你扶,走著走著就會撞上,還又哭又笑,隨地小便,會嘔吐。)
  • 25、If you engage in mathematics long enough, youbump into the Question, and it won't just go away.(如果你從事數學這么長時間,你遇到一個問題,這個問題不會就此走開。)
  • 26、They mightbump into things or fall over objects.(他們可能撞到物體上或跌倒。)
  • 27、Confused, you stumble out into the lobby where, as luck would have it, youbump into an usher.(迷茫地,你踉踉蹌蹌地奔到大廳,運氣不錯,在大廳里你碰到一個領座員。)

bump into基本釋義

bump into

英 [b?mp ??ntu?] 美 [b?mp ??ntu] 
巧遇; 不期而遇;猛撞,撞擊
