a great many造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-28 00:02:01


a great many造句

  • 1、a great many are.(許多是。)
  • 2、One may live amonga great many people.(一個(gè)人可能同許許多多人生活在一起。)
  • 3、Two thousand verses isa great many--very, very great many.(兩千段經(jīng)文是不少——真的,真的很多。)
  • 4、The exhibition drewa great many visitors.(展覽吸引了許許多多的觀眾。)
  • 5、He's been toa great many places.(他去過(guò)很多地方。)
  • 6、I reada great many English books.(我讀了很多英語(yǔ)書(shū)。)
  • 7、I've been therea great many times.(我到那兒去過(guò)許多次。)
  • 8、I have hada great many ideas over the years.(多年來(lái),我有過(guò)很多的點(diǎn)子。)
  • 9、He said ita great many times—not a thousand times but quite a goodly number.(他把它唱了很多次——就算不是一千次,數(shù)目也相當(dāng)可觀。)
  • 10、I learneda great many new words that day.(那天,我學(xué)習(xí)了大量的新詞匯。)
  • 11、a great many of them are out of work.(他們當(dāng)中許多人都失業(yè)了。)
  • 12、I asked hera great many questions.(我問(wèn)了她許多問(wèn)題。)
  • 13、Brigida at last accepted the gift aftera great many remonstrances.(布麗吉特幾經(jīng)規(guī)勸,終于接受了這份禮物。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、He knowsa great many people in this city.(他在這城里認(rèn)識(shí)的人非常多。)
  • 15、He bothered me witha great many questions.(他對(duì)我提了一大堆問(wèn)題,真煩!)
  • 16、Apples come ina great many varieties.(蘋(píng)果的品種繁多。)
  • 17、There area great many good exercises.(這里有很多好的鍛煉的方式。)
  • 18、He hada great many friends here.(他在這兒有很多朋友。)
  • 19、a great many parents were present at the meeting.(許多家長(zhǎng)出席了會(huì)議。)
  • 20、"Nota great many butchers do this," he says.(“并不是很多屠夫都這樣做”他說(shuō)。)
  • 21、a great many people watched that film.(好多人都看過(guò)那部電影。)
  • 22、a great many students enjoy pop music.(許多學(xué)生喜歡流行音樂(lè)。)
  • 23、They senta great many reporters.(他們派遣了很多記者。)
  • 24、a great many letters have been written by me.(我寫(xiě)了很多信。)
  • 25、We havea great many things to do at present.(我們當(dāng)前有許許多多事要做。)
  • 26、a great many of them couldn't find work.(他們當(dāng)中有很多人找不到工作。)
  • 27、He madea great many mistakes.(他犯了許多的錯(cuò)誤。)
  • 28、The story happeneda great many years ago in China.(故事發(fā)生在很多年以前的中國(guó)。)
  • 29、Women can doa great many things as well as or even better than men.(女性可以做很多事,甚至做的比男性更好。)

a great many基本釋義

a great many

英 [? ɡreit ?meni] 美 [e ɡret ?m?ni] 

很多, 許多; 指不勝屈; 浩