
accountable for造句

accountable for造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:01:34


accountable for造句

  • 1、Victor holds Jackaccountable for Alexis, and he takes him hostage.(維克多把亞歷克西斯失蹤的事算在杰克頭上,他將杰克作為人質(zhì)。)
  • 2、They should be heldaccountable for their ACTS.(5他們應對自已的行為負責。)
  • 3、They areaccountable for the technical implementation of programmes throughout the Organization.(他們要負責整個組織各規(guī)劃的技術(shù)實施。)
  • 4、I feltaccountable for my weight loss and health.(我覺得自己有責任減肥并保持健康。)
  • 5、Someone must be heldaccountable for the killings.(必須有人要對這些兇殺事件負責。)
  • 6、As we keep our own commitments, we must hold other nationsaccountable for theirs.(在我們履行自己的承諾之時,我們還必須使其他國家為他們做出的承諾負責。)
  • 7、The business management "team" isaccountable for.(業(yè)務管理“團隊”的職責。)
  • 8、We must measure results and hold each otheraccountable for our pledges and actions.(我們必須衡量成果,并對我們各自的承諾和行動負責。)
  • 9、Here are three straightforward ways to make sure you hold yourselfaccountable for learning.(這里有有三種很簡單的方法可以讓你對自己的學習負責。)
  • 10、They can also help to hold youaccountable for your progress and help you to stay on task.(他們還能監(jiān)督你不斷進步,并鼓勵你繼續(xù)努力。)
  • 11、Who should be heldaccountable for anti-terrorism’s dirtiest business?(誰該為反恐活動中最骯臟的交易負責?)
  • 12、It's hard to imagine holding a robotaccountable for the consequences of making the wrong decision.(很難想象擁有一個機器人,它能為自己做出的錯誤決定的后果負責。)
  • 13、This feature enables you to hold administrative usersaccountable for configuration and run time changes.(此功能使您可以讓管理用戶對配置和運行時更改承擔責任。)
  • 14、Accountable (the resource ultimatelyaccountable for the decision).(A有責任的(最終對決策負有責任的資源)。)
  • 15、He should be partiallyaccountable for the loss.(他應對這一損失負部份責任。)
  • 16、You can and will inspire them to set a goal and beaccountable for it.(你能,而且會激勵他人設定目標并為之努力。)
  • 17、When you forgive someone this does not mean that they are no longeraccountable for their actions.(當你寬恕他人的時候,并不意味他們不為自己的行為負責。) hao86.com
  • 18、In some ways Pele himself isaccountable for not capitalizing on his superstar status.(在某些方面,貝利自己對未能好好利用其巨星的地位負有責任。)
  • 19、He did hold enterprise architectsaccountable for what they do produce even within this context.(但即使在這樣的背景下,他認為企業(yè)架構(gòu)師仍然是不能免責的。)
  • 20、In today's world, it has become normal that well-paid executives should not beaccountable for what happens in the organisations that they run.(當今世界,高薪資的管理者不為發(fā)生在其組織內(nèi)的事情擔責,這已屬正?,F(xiàn)象。)
  • 21、Sometimes, people fear action because they fear being heldaccountable for failures that might result.(有時,人們害怕行動,因為他們害怕為他們可能導致的失敗負責。)
  • 22、The roles (the "who") in the organization that areaccountable for which decisions.(組織中負責哪些決策的角色(“誰”)。)
  • 23、Who will hold Mr Clintonaccountable for his actions?(誰將能夠使克林頓先生對他的行為負責呢?)
  • 24、What are some of the ways you hold yourselfaccountable for learning?(你有什么方法讓自己對學習負責嗎?)
  • 25、How do you track the results of teams in your organization and hold themaccountable for their results?(你如何對團隊進行跟蹤,追究他們的工作結(jié)果?)
  • 26、But in another way it makes perfect sense to hold Bill fullyaccountable for murder.(但另一方面,讓李四對謀殺付全責是完全合理的。)
  • 27、The more we know, the more we'reaccountable for.(我們知道的越多,責任感也就越強。)

accountable for基本釋義