
all the best造句

all the best造句

更新時間:2024-08-28 00:00:49


all the best造句

  • 1、This competition is about celebratingall the best parts of women - their presence, personality and looks.(‘英國小姐’選美賽就是在展現(xiàn)女性身上最美好的東西——個性、外表和才智。)
  • 2、We're sad to see him go and wish himall the best.(我們對于他的離開很傷心,當(dāng)然也希望他一切都好。)
  • 3、This allows you to applyall the best practices for designing software systems to the design of user interfaces.(這使您可以將所有設(shè)計(jì)軟件系統(tǒng)的最佳實(shí)踐應(yīng)用到用戶接口的設(shè)計(jì)中來。)
  • 4、Hi there, nice to meet you and wish youall the best.(你好,很高興認(rèn)識你,希望你一切順利!)
  • 5、n Rio, selective blindness is harder with favelas perched on hilltops overlookingall the best neighbourhoods.(在里約,貧民窟都建立在小山坡上,人們可以俯瞰到下面所有鄰里的狀況,所以人們更不會盲目選擇這里作為居住的地方。)
  • 6、The next page has a woman’s autograph: "Dear Tuan, wish youall the best during your military service.(第二頁寫有女人的題詞:“親愛的俊,祝你在服役期間一切都好。)
  • 7、If so, you're a much better and stronger person than I am, so Happy New Year andall the best to you.(如果有這種效果,那你就是那種比我更好更強(qiáng)大的人,那就只能對你說新年快樂并且祝你新的一年一帆風(fēng)順心想事成萬事如意。)
  • 8、First and foremost, let me wish you, your families, and the populations you representall the best for a healthy New Year.(首先,我祝愿你們、你們的家人以及你們所代表的人民在新的一年里身體健康,萬事如意。)
  • 9、all the best in your new job!(祝你的新工作一切順利!)
  • 10、Her driver knewall the best places to pull over along Highway 101.(她的司機(jī)知道101高速公路上所有的最佳??奎c(diǎn)。)
  • 11、I am sure he will be vastly happy to oblige you, and will saveall the best of the covies for you.(我相信他一定非常樂意讓你來,而且會把最好的鷓鴣都留給你。)
  • 12、It is hard to find a woman who really possessall the best part of beauty in real life.(現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中很難找到毫無瑕疵的大美女。)
  • 13、It is rarely advisable to adoptall the best practices at once.(很少建議一次采用全部的最佳實(shí)踐。)
  • 14、all the best for you and your family!(祝愿你的家庭幸福美滿!)
  • 15、So Joshua marched up from Gilgal with his entire army, includingall the best fighting men.(于是約書亞和他一切兵丁,并大能的勇士,都從吉甲上去。)
  • 16、all the best theatres and restaurants are situated within a few minutes' walk of each other.(所有最好的劇院和飯店相隔只有幾分鐘的路。)
  • 17、And also many many many,all the best movies will be here. So that's very very interesting place for me.(好多好多非常棒的電影也是在這兒拍的,所以這兒對我來說,是一個非常棒的地方。)
  • 18、There are countless websites available that do the work for you and gatherall the best coupons from around the net.(現(xiàn)在不計(jì)其數(shù)的網(wǎng)站可以用來完成為你收集來自世界各地網(wǎng)站的優(yōu)惠券這項(xiàng)工作。)
  • 19、To getall the best startups, you have to do more than make them want you.(要得到所有最好的創(chuàng)業(yè)公司,你必須做得比讓他們需要你更多。)
  • 20、The big clubs siphon offall the best players.(大俱樂部把所有最佳選手都抽調(diào)走了。)
  • 21、I wish youall the best pictures you can get and a ton of happy customers.(我衷心祝愿你們都有好前景,收獲一大堆的快樂顧客。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 22、all the best bargains were snapped up within hours.(所有最劃得來的便宜貨幾小時之內(nèi)就被搶購一空了。)
  • 23、all the best inventions have a legendary "light bulb" moment.(所有最了不起的發(fā)明都有一個“靈光一現(xiàn)”的傳奇時刻。)
  • 24、From our family to yours we wish you a very happy holiday andall the best in the New Year.(我們?nèi)宜徒o你們的祝福,希望你們節(jié)日快樂,新的一年萬事如意。)
  • 25、He doesn't fear anyone and has long privatizedall the best meadows and pastures of the Valley of Geysers.(它任何人都不怕并且長期占據(jù)著間歇泉谷所有好的低洼地和草地。)
  • 26、I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish youall the best and every success!(借此機(jī)會我呈上對你衷心的祝福:祝你一切順利,萬事如意!)
  • 27、He replied, Of course it is.all the best arguments are.(他回答說:“當(dāng)然是循環(huán)論證,最好的論點(diǎn)都是循環(huán)論證?!?

all the best基本釋義

all the best

英 [?:l e? best] 美 [?l ei b?st] 
