polar bear造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:29:14


polar bear造句

  • 1、The children and thepolar bear are face to face in the same swimming pool!(孩子們竟能和北極熊在同一個(gè)泳池里面對(duì)面!) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 2、Up to now, thepolar bear has been the poster child for climate change.(到現(xiàn)在,北極熊一直是針對(duì)氣候變化問(wèn)題宣傳畫(huà)的寵物。)
  • 3、There're lots of animals in the North Pole, for example, whale,polar bear, and sea dog, and I likepolar bear best.(在北極有很多動(dòng)物,比如鯨魚(yú)、北極熊、海狗等,而我最喜歡北極熊。)
  • 4、Once upon a time there was apolar bear.(從前,有一只北極熊。)
  • 5、Animals lovers around the world mourn the loss of belovedpolar bear, Knut.(世界各地的動(dòng)物愛(ài)好者為他們失去了深?lèi)?ài)的北極熊克努特而悲痛。)
  • 6、polar bear Swims for Nine Days, Pays Heavy Price(九個(gè)晝夜不停地游動(dòng),北極熊最終到達(dá)冰面,可是代價(jià)沉痛)
  • 7、BLOG:polar bear Swims for Nine Days, Pays Heavy price.(部落格:北極熊游了9天,付出沉重代價(jià)。)
  • 8、I am your innerpolar bear.(我是你內(nèi)心的北極熊。)
  • 9、We may even catch sight of apolar bear on the ice.(我們甚至可能突然看到一只北極熊在冰面上。)
  • 10、Twopolar bear cubs play with rubbish along the Barter Island shore.(兩個(gè)北極熊幼仔在巴特島海岸玩垃圾。)
  • 11、On the contrary, they are not developed on the endocast of thepolar bear.(相反,它們不是在北極熊的顱腔上發(fā)育的。)
  • 12、polar bear Skulls Can't Take the stress.(北極熊的頭蓋骨不能承受壓力。)
  • 13、Althoughpolar bears' locomotion is similarly inefficient,polar bear cubs walk along with their mother.(盡管北極熊的運(yùn)動(dòng)能力同樣低下,北極熊幼崽還是和媽媽一起前行。)
  • 14、He does not even feel guilty for procreating with Mrs.polar bear.(他也沒(méi)有因?yàn)榕c北極熊夫人生兒育女而有愧。)
  • 15、Information, in this analogy, is our lion orpolar bear.(信息,在這個(gè)比喻里,就是我們的獅子或者北極熊。)
  • 16、Apolar bear returns to the whale carcass to feed at dusk.(北極熊在黃昏時(shí)返回鯨魚(yú)尸體找食物。)
  • 17、Food onshore is very limited and there is simply nothing comparable to a seal that provides apolar bear with fat and energy.(陸上食物是非常有限的,根本沒(méi)有什么能與一只海豹所能給北極熊提供脂肪和能量相比。)
  • 18、In ''On Thin Ice'', Richard Ellis, a writer and illustrator, paints a natural history of the icon of the north, thepolar bear.(在《薄冰之上》一書(shū)中,作家兼插畫(huà)家理查·埃利斯描繪了北極圖標(biāo),北極熊的自然史。)
  • 19、While apolar bear is sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around, it is like a toddler holding their teddy bear. That is truly cute!(當(dāng)北極熊抱著爪子睡在冰山上時(shí),它就像一個(gè)蹣跚學(xué)步的孩子抱著他們的泰迪熊。那真的很可愛(ài)!)
  • 20、Before we all turn our thermostats down or consider joining thepolar bear Club, can brown fat actually cause weight loss?(在我們把所有恒溫關(guān)掉或考慮加入北極熊俱樂(lè)部之前,棕色脂肪真的能讓體重減輕嗎?)
  • 21、It is at times like these that I begin to envy thepolar bear.(有時(shí)候我覺(jué)得我有點(diǎn)嫉妒北極熊了。)
  • 22、Thepolar bear is the largest terrestrial carnivore, being more than twice as big as the Siberian Tiger!(北極熊是陸地上最大的肉食性動(dòng)物,比西伯利亞虎都要大兩倍多!)
  • 23、Creative bookshelf shaped like apolar bear designed by ibride.(由ibride設(shè)計(jì)的北極熊造型創(chuàng)意書(shū)架。)
  • 24、If you live near the Arctic Circle, hug the closestpolar bear.(如果你生活在北極圈附近,請(qǐng)擁抱離你最近的北極熊。)
  • 25、The leases come with painstaking stipulations to mitigate any possible environmental harm to species like thepolar bear.(這些租約附帶了細(xì)致的條款,以減輕對(duì)北極熊等物種的任何可能的環(huán)境傷害。)
  • 26、A hunter who took what appeared to be a babypolar bear from the North Pole has been found and will face strict punishment.(一個(gè)獵人從北極捕獲了一只疑似北極熊幼崽的動(dòng)物,目前已被發(fā)現(xiàn),他將面臨嚴(yán)厲的懲罰。)
  • 27、The poor oldpolar bear already suffered badly enough from the hunters.(那可憐的老北極熊,已經(jīng)飽受獵人的折磨。)

polar bear基本釋義

polar bear

英 [?p?ul? b??] 美 [?pol? b?r] 
第三人稱(chēng)復(fù)數(shù):polar bears
