
like crazy造句

like crazy造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:24


like crazy造句

  • 1、We workedlike crazy to get it done on time.(我們拼命地干,好按時完成這項工作。)
  • 2、She and her husband sold an expensive car, took on extra work, and budgetedlike crazy until the debt was gone.(為了還清所有債務(wù),她和丈夫賣掉了豪華汽車,承擔(dān)更多額外的工作,近乎瘋狂地節(jié)省開支,直到還清債務(wù)。)
  • 3、I plan to studylike crazy, so that I can get the grades I need to be admitted to college.(2-2我計劃要瘋狂念書,讓自己可以達(dá)到考進(jìn)大學(xué)所需的成績。)
  • 4、You know, organisms are changinglike crazy.(生物像是瘋了一樣進(jìn)化。)
  • 5、It rainedlike crazy, turning the Mall to mud and making living conditions miserable.(天下起了瓢潑大雨,廣場變成了泥潭,居住環(huán)境十分悲慘。)
  • 6、"like crazy" is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned).(《愛瘋了》定為PG-13級(父母強(qiáng)烈陪同)。)
  • 7、It hurtlike crazy.(把我給疼瘋了。)
  • 8、I am surprised that I am not loosing weightlike crazy.(我覺得很奇怪,我不是像瘋了似的失去重量。)
  • 9、I pumped the handlelike crazy.(我拼命地來回?fù)u動手柄。)
  • 10、HP failed to create a hit tablet; Apple's iPad is still sellinglike crazy.(惠普在平板電腦市場無功而返,而蘋果的iPad卻仍然賣得異?;鸨?。)
  • 11、Flirtinglike crazy.(發(fā)瘋似的調(diào)著情。)
  • 12、If we don't, we'll be scramblinglike crazy with a day to go,” says one participant.(如果我們不采取行動,我們每天都會過得很煎熬,”一位與會者說。)
  • 13、Facebook doesn't even have an office in Indonesia, yet it has grownlike crazy, to 30m users.(臉譜網(wǎng)在印度尼西亞甚至都沒有辦公場所,但它的用戶增長的速度幾近瘋狂,已經(jīng)有三千萬用戶。)
  • 14、Then I reward himlike crazy. He loves doing it.(然后我發(fā)瘋似的獎勵他,他喜歡做這個。)
  • 15、Imagine if a cell in your body said, I just want to eat food and reproducelike crazy.(設(shè)想你身體里的細(xì)胞說的,我只想發(fā)瘋了一樣吃東西和繁殖。)
  • 16、Amazon is selling eBookslike crazy and will most likely continue to do so.(亞馬遜正在瘋狂的銷售電子書,這一行為在將來也未必會減退。)
  • 17、This will gives a really satisfying feeling when you're crossing things off your listlike crazy.(這樣做能讓你在不斷華掉你計劃的事項的時候得到一種滿足感。)
  • 18、Because the Indians are gathering firewoodlike crazy!(因為印第安人正瘋狂地收集柴火。)
  • 19、The coat was sellinglike crazy.(這個外套賣瘋了。)
  • 20、Kapoor should seize this Olympian opportunity, and runlike crazy.(卡普爾應(yīng)該抓住這次奧運的機(jī)會好好瘋一把。)
  • 21、You are workinglike crazy.(你工作起來像瘋了一樣。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 22、Today Amazon announced that its newest, cheapest, lightest, third-generation Kindle is sellinglike crazy.(今天,亞馬遜宣布,最新、最便宜、最輕的第三代Kindle正在瘋狂熱賣。)
  • 23、And Twitter is growing. It's growinglike crazy.(Twitter正在增長,而且是瘋長。)
  • 24、At that time I was workinglike crazy and I didn't know why.(那時候不知道為什么,我發(fā)瘋一樣地工作。)
  • 25、You're networkinglike crazy.(你瘋了似地拓展你的交際網(wǎng)。)
  • 26、Luckily, my inability to understand her on that one has no bearing on my ability to be love herlike crazy.(幸運的是,我無力理解她,沒有人能忍受我愛她愛得發(fā)狂。)
  • 27、We are workinglike crazy.(我們像瘋子一樣拼命工作。)

like crazy基本釋義

like crazy

英 [laik ?kreizi] 美 [la?k ?krezi] 
