
mind your own造句

mind your own造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:34:14


mind your own造句

  • 1、I don't need any help.mind your own business, please.(不要多管閑事,我不需要任何幫助。)
  • 2、Their message to the people: Live in harmony or else.mind your own business or else.(他們給人民傳達(dá)的信息是:要和諧,管好自己和身邊的人。)
  • 3、mind your own business.You don't know nothin about it.(他說(shuō),“管好你自己的事兒吧,你根本什么都不明白!”) haO86.com
  • 4、Leave me alone,mind your own affairs.(別管我,去照料自己的事吧。)
  • 5、I'll thank you tomind your own business.(請(qǐng)你少管閑事。)
  • 6、mind your own business!(管好你自己的事吧!)
  • 7、Don't like the paparazzi.mind your own business.(別像狗仔隊(duì)一樣,管好你自己的事吧。)
  • 8、"You know, it would behoove you tomind your own business young lady," said the man.(“你要知道,小女生,不關(guān)你的事就不要管,”那個(gè)男人說(shuō)。)
  • 9、Who do you think you are?mind your own business.(你以為你是誰(shuí)???管好自己的事吧。)
  • 10、Somind your own business, young sir.(管好你自己的事兒吧,年輕的先生。)
  • 11、I wish you wouldmind your own business.(但愿你不要多管閑事。)
  • 12、mind your own mouth, don't loose lips.(管好自己的嘴,不要信口開(kāi)河。)
  • 13、I am sorry, I lovemind your own business should be learning a great deal of improvement now.(不好意思,我很愛(ài)管閑事學(xué)習(xí)應(yīng)該有很大的進(jìn)步吧。)
  • 14、Why can't youmind your own business?(你干嘛不去管你自己的事呢?)
  • 15、B:You'd bettermind your own business.(你最好少管閑事.)
  • 16、Anonymous: I won't read it anymore,mind your own business.(匿名——:“我不看了,你好自為之吧?!?
  • 17、mind your own business. I won't listen to any of your gossip.(不要多管閑事,我不要聽(tīng)你的閑言碎語(yǔ)。)
  • 18、Pleasemind your own business. I don't need to report everything back to you.(請(qǐng)管你自己的事吧,我不需事事向你回報(bào)。)
  • 19、"He said tomind your own business," replied his wife.(“他說(shuō)別管閑事,”他太太回答說(shuō)。)
  • 20、mind your own door, on their own people, all peace, everyone is happy.(管好自己的門(mén),看好自己的人,家家平安,人人開(kāi)心。)

mind your own基本釋義