
kill two birds with one stone造句

kill two birds with one stone造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:37:31


kill two birds with one stone造句

  • 1、kill two birds with one stone: Learn about your destination and battle loneliness at the same time.(一箭雙雕:了解你的目的地,同時(shí)與孤獨(dú)做斗爭。)
  • 2、In this way one cankill two birds with one stone: get inspired and learn good English at the same time.(這樣的話可以一舉兩得:不但自我激勵(lì),同時(shí)還能學(xué)到地道的英語。)
  • 3、Let's go. We cankill two birds with one stone.(走吧,我們可以一舉兩得。)
  • 4、If I go to New York on Friday, I cankill two birds with one stone. I can go to the doctor and visit my mother the same day.(如果我在星期五去紐約,就能一舉兩得,既能去看醫(yī)生,又能在同一天去看我的母親。)
  • 5、Tokill two birds with one stone.(一石二鳥,一箭雙雕,一舉兩得。)
  • 6、So, that willkill two birds with one stone.(所以這辦法一石二鳥。)
  • 7、Now you cankill two birds with one stone.(你現(xiàn)在可以一石二鳥了!)
  • 8、Russell: Well, if we wait 3 hours we cankill two birds with one stone and pick up my mother from the airport.(拉塞爾:好,如果我們多等三個(gè)小時(shí),可以順道去機(jī)場接我的媽媽,一石二鳥。)
  • 9、I had to go to Coventry on business so I thought I'dkill two birds with one stone and visit my sister who lives nearby.(我得去考文垂出差,我想借此拜訪一下住在附近的姐姐,這樣就可一舉兩得。)
  • 10、You'll save both time and material, andkill two birds with one stone.(您將把時(shí)間和材料都節(jié)省下來了,這不是一舉兩得嗎?。)
  • 11、You can see where there is overlap and how you can “kill two birds with one stone”.(你可以看到哪里有重疊,已經(jīng)你如何能夠“一石兩鳥”。)
  • 12、In day-to-day oil change, by check air filter is a good habit ofkill two birds with one stone.(在進(jìn)行日常的機(jī)油更換時(shí),順帶檢查一下空氣濾清器不失為一種兩全其美的好習(xí)慣。)
  • 13、I always get my nails manicured while I get my hair cut, that way I cankill two birds with one stone.(每次我去剪頭發(fā)的時(shí)候都會修指甲,這樣我可以一舉兩得。)
  • 14、Exercise is reallykill two birds with one stone, can exercise the body, can adjust again spirit, wonderful!(運(yùn)動(dòng)真是一箭雙雕,既能鍛煉身體,又能調(diào)節(jié)精神,妙極了!)
  • 15、This way, he cankill two birds with one stone.(這樣他就能兩全其美。)
  • 16、Everyone would agree that it is a good idea tokill two birds with one stone.(大家都同意這是一個(gè)一石二鳥的好方法。)
  • 17、If we've got to go to Exeter to see your father we couldkill two birds with one stone and visit the Ship Museum as well.(如果我們?nèi)グ?巳乜茨愀赣H,我們可以順便參觀一下艦船博物館,這樣一舉兩得。)
  • 18、This suggestion, I believe, is quite feasible because it cankill two birds with one stone.(我認(rèn)為這項(xiàng)建議十分可行,一舉兩得。)
  • 19、kill two birds with one stone.(用一塊石頭殺死兩只鳥。) hAo86.com
  • 20、So, if you modify these risk factors you cankill two birds with one stone.(所以,如果改正了這些危險(xiǎn)因素,等于一石二鳥。)
  • 21、We can talk about Union Hill while I get this business over with.kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.(我們可以談?wù)動(dòng)葘幧?,同時(shí)我把這件事干完。可以說是一舉兩得吧。)

kill two birds with one stone基本釋義

kill two birds with one stone

一箭雙雕; 一舉兩得