
knock out造句

knock out造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:37:20


knock out造句

  • 1、Elderberry juice, tea or syrup are potent and can helpknock out flu symptoms.(接骨木果汁,茶或糖漿是防治流感癥狀的有力飲品。)
  • 2、It's a level where you have a small squad and are required to infiltrate a base, kill some dudes,knock out an enemy helicopter, and then escape in a stolen vehicle.(這一關(guān),你有一個小型的小隊,并要求潛入一個基地,殺點人,干掉一個敵人的直升機,然后乘一輛偷來的車輛離開。)
  • 3、All it would take is one direct hit toknock out the entire vehicle and demolish a trillion dollar mission.(所以最后的結(jié)果可能是,一個直接的碰撞讓整個航空器出局,并且毀掉價值萬億的計劃。)
  • 4、knock out the mRNAs coding for those proteins-which in the liver are produced only by cancer cells-and the tumor stops growing.(阻止編碼肝臟中僅通過癌細(xì)胞產(chǎn)生蛋白質(zhì)的信使RNA,腫瘤便相繼停止生長。)
  • 5、The “machine-or-transformation test,” in the eyes of many, was too stringent. Applied strictly, the test wouldknock out too wide a swath of patents.(“機器-或-轉(zhuǎn)換檢驗方法”在許多人看來過于嚴(yán)苛。如從嚴(yán)適用,該檢驗方法對專利打擊面過大。)
  • 6、If they can find a way toknock out that gene in the cherimoya, it could bring Mark Twain's favorite fruit, and many others, to a grocery store near you.(如果他們能找到一個方法去掉番荔枝中的這種基因,那這個馬克·吐溫最愛的水果,及其他各種水果,都能來到你的身旁。)
  • 7、What kinds of events couldknock out a diesel generator?(什么事件可能使得柴油發(fā)電機故障?)
  • 8、Early analysis, following raids toknock out the spam network, suggest that it was the work of a small team.(在擊敗這個垃圾郵件網(wǎng)絡(luò)后早些時候的分析提到,這個垃圾網(wǎng)絡(luò)是一個小團隊的杰作。)
  • 9、The gas storms can be so strong theyknock out mobile phone networks here on Earth - even though the sun is 93 million miles away.(盡管太陽距離地球有9300萬英里,但太陽風(fēng)暴的強度可以影響到地球上的移動通訊。)
  • 10、There were not as many vulnerable electrical items then, but it didknock out telegraph services, even burning down some telegraph stations, he said.(當(dāng)時還沒發(fā)明這么多這么脆弱的電器設(shè)備,但風(fēng)暴切斷了通訊,甚至燒壞了一些信號站的設(shè)施。)
  • 11、So be failing to relax, youknock out at least three of the skills in this list - and really more.(因此,不放松,你將至少淘汰這個表單中的三個技能,實際上更多。)
  • 12、The [researchers]knock out one gene per embryo.It will probably take hundreds [of embryos] to find the gene.(研究人員在每個胚胎中都只改變一個基因,大概要試上幾百個才能找出來。)
  • 13、Because you have salmonella, and campylobacter, and the other infectious bacteria that the cooking is there toknock out.(因為你會擔(dān)心沙門氏菌、弧形桿菌以及其它傳染性細(xì)菌,這些細(xì)菌經(jīng)過烹飪會被殺死。)
  • 14、You're particularly motivated because you have plans, so youknock out your first three tasks in record time.(因為有計劃,你就特別有動力。所以,你可能超時間完成前三項任務(wù)。)
  • 15、The first step is always the hardest, and once taken, it sets up the momentum needed to more easilyknock out the remaining steps.(第一步往往是最難得,但是如果做好了,它會幫你建立你需要的動力,并讓我們更容易地去做接下來的步驟。)
  • 16、Applied strictly, the test wouldknock out too wide a swath of patents.(如從嚴(yán)適用,該檢驗方法對專利打擊面過大。)
  • 17、Even my ex had now found herself an older guy who was willing toknock out two kids with her in no time at all.(甚至我的前女友,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)另找了一個更老的家伙,說是立即地要和她生兩個孩子下來。)
  • 18、The new findings confirm that the ancient bipedal dinosaur Stegoceras couldknock out any of today's top head-butters.(新的發(fā)現(xiàn)證實古代兩足生物劍角龍可以打敗現(xiàn)今頂級的善于頭部撞擊生物。)
  • 19、In these experiments, which have yet to be published, he USES an antibiotic injection toknock out the hair cells devoted to balance.(他在這些尚在整理出版的試驗中,使用了一種抗生素注射劑來破壞保持平衡的毛細(xì)胞。)
  • 20、This aversity to double-stranded RNA means short hairpins can be used toknock out the messengers, thus nullifying the signal from the underlying gene.(哺乳動物細(xì)胞對雙鏈RNA不識別意味著可用短發(fā)卡RNA來阻斷信使RNA,從而使相應(yīng)基因的信號無法傳遞。)
  • 21、He and his colleagues have studied how much xylitol is needed to actuallyknock out bacteria and prevent cavities, and he has two pieces of advice.(他和他的同事們已經(jīng)研究出需要多少木糖醇才能真正消滅細(xì)菌并預(yù)防蛀牙,他有兩點建議。)
  • 22、Scientists hope to gain a better understanding of so-called "space weather," which can sometimesknock out weather or communication satellites orbiting the Earth.(科學(xué)家們希望能夠更好的了解所謂的“太空天氣”,“太空天氣”有時會對地球天氣或?qū)Φ厍蜍壍郎系耐ㄐ判l(wèi)星造成破壞。)
  • 23、Keep logs to study your online profile and decide what you canknock out, download a program like Freedom that locks you out of your browser, or take a "digital Sabbath".(保持日志來研究你的在線檔案,決定你可以刪除什么,下載一個像Freedom這樣將你鎖在瀏覽器之外的程序,或者享受一個“數(shù)字安息日”。)
  • 24、Could youknock out 100 genes and rescue all of them?(正是我們想知道的,你能擊破100種基因,并拯救所有這些基因嗎?)
  • 25、Once there, there would be no daily list of activities, sightseeing trips toknock out, television or business centers I might use to "check in" at work.(一旦到了那里,就沒有了每日活動清單、被剝奪的觀光旅游、電視以及我工作時慣常去報到的商業(yè)中心。)
  • 26、In the housing market this means that bosses are keener to build or renovate property for the rich than toknock out social housing which millions desperately require.(在房地產(chǎn)市場上這就意味著地產(chǎn)大亨熱衷于為富人建造或翻新房子而不愿為那些急切需要住房的百萬大眾粗略的建造社會住房。)
  • 27、He has a grant to develop a "mosquito flashlight" designed toknock out the bugs' eye-like sensors.(他資助了“蚊蟲手電筒”的開發(fā),它被設(shè)計用來毀掉蟲子像眼睛一樣的感覺系統(tǒng)。) hao86.com
  • 28、That wouldknock out about 1.8% of Japan's energy capacity.(這可能降低日本1.8%的產(chǎn)能能力。)

knock out基本釋義

knock out

英 [n?k aut] 美 [nɑk a?t] 
敲出; 擊倒; 打破; 打落; 打昏