
fool about造句

fool about造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:45:09


fool about造句

  • 1、Don't let the hoopla about social norms and customs, so often important in places of rich history and beliefs, fool you.(千萬別到了歷史悠久、信仰多元的國家,聽了有關(guān)社會(huì)規(guī)范、信仰習(xí)俗的種種宣揚(yáng)就被唬住。)
  • 2、Sirs, don't let us fool ourselves and spin a lot of words about abstract "good" and abstract "evil".(先生們,不要欺騙自己,談?wù)摮橄蟮摹昂谩被颉皦摹薄?
  • 3、If you wish to genuinely fool people into thinking you're British, you want to think about regions, and work much harder than if you want to get a general picture across for a school play.(如果你真的想讓人們覺得你是英國人的話,你就得考慮地區(qū)差異,而且如果想在一個(gè)話劇中扮演角色的話那就得更加努力練習(xí)了。)
  • 4、The story Gimpel the Fool is about the theme of morals'returning and the conflict between benevolence and evil, and Singer successfully portrays a wise fool without any special desires.(小說《傻瓜吉姆佩爾》講述了一個(gè)關(guān)于道德回歸以及仁慈和邪惡斗爭的故事,作者幸格成功地塑造了一個(gè)清心寡欲的智慧型愚者。)
  • 5、Think about that I was a fool, why should I care about other people's comments, saying the do not care how many friends, why do not mind Debu offend?(想想自己真的是個(gè)傻瓜,干嘛要在意別人的評(píng)論,都說了不在乎朋友的多少,又何必介意得不得罪呢?)
  • 6、A human being in her real life setting, plus an inexpensive "fool-proof" automatic film camera. It's that simple. Simply, no more arguments about Art and life.(一個(gè)生活中的人,加一個(gè)幾十元錢的“傻瓜”膠片相機(jī)。就這么簡單。沒有所謂藝術(shù)和生活的分別。)
  • 7、Both candidates hear voters complaining about these things all the time. And since neither of them is a fool, both crack their cheeks trying to sound sympathetic.(兩位候選人都聽到選民們一直在抱怨這些,而且由于他們都不是傻瓜,都極力鼓吹,企圖讓自己聽起來富有同情心。)
  • 8、One CEO I consulted felt so strongly about it he told me I would be a fool to leave Compaq for Apple.(一個(gè)CEO也堅(jiān)定地告訴我,如果我為了蘋果公司離開Compaq是非常愚蠢的。)
  • 9、He constructed a series of simple tableaus about a character called the Fool.(他通過一系列簡單的場面創(chuàng)造了一個(gè)名叫傻瓜的角色。)
  • 10、All these problems are about assessing risk, or predicting the future, which no one except a fool believes he can do without some margin of error.(所有這些問題都是關(guān)于風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估和未來預(yù)測的,除了瘋子,誰也不會(huì)覺得自己能做到分毫不差。) hAo86.com
  • 11、Yes, Peeves, you fool, Peeves! Haven't you been complaining about him for a quarter of a century? Go and fetch him, at once!(對,皮皮鬼,你這個(gè)傻瓜,皮皮鬼!二十多年來你不是一直在抱怨他嗎?去把他找來,快!)
  • 12、Talk about trying to cure warts with spunk-water such a blame fool way as that!(說到用仙水治疣子,那真是個(gè)愚蠢的法子!)
  • 13、The monitor told his classmates not tofool about in the classroom while they should be reviewing their lessons.(班長叫同學(xué)們在應(yīng)當(dāng)復(fù)習(xí)功課的時(shí)候不要在教室里胡鬧。)
  • 14、If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damnfool about it.(如果你一開始沒有成功,那就再試一次、再試兩次。然后放棄。沒必要為這變成傻瓜。)
  • 15、When you're a financial institution you can't fool around.It's all about confidence.(一家金融機(jī)構(gòu)不能糊弄人,這是事關(guān)信心的問題。)
  • 16、Make no mistake about it, he is the biggest fool I've met.(毫無疑問,他是我所見的最大的傻瓜。)
  • 17、If youfool about with matches, you'll end up getting burned.(如果你擺弄火柴,最后可能燒到自己。)
  • 18、They worry about whether the other person will like them or if they will make a fool of themselves somehow.(他們擔(dān)心對方是否會(huì)喜歡自己或者他們是否會(huì)出丑。)
  • 19、But the main difference between them and us is that they sit and drink beer and fool around all day-although there are, of course, those who study-and we're already thinking about the future.(但她們與我們的不同主要是他們坐著喝啤酒,整天晃悠——當(dāng)然也有人愛學(xué)習(xí)——而我們早已在為將來打算了。)
  • 20、About the "fool", we can find the hero this is not people and jerry gold common understanding of "fool", his "silly" lies in his extraordinary.(談完《傻瓜》,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)主人公杰茲金并不是人們平常所理解的“傻瓜”,他的“傻”在于他的與眾不同。)
  • 21、EasyMock fools the compiler about a lot of things, but it isn't quite smart enough to fool the compiler into believing that void is a legal argument type.((EasyMock在許多方面能夠“欺騙”編譯器,但是還不足以讓編譯器相信void是有效的參數(shù)類型)。)
  • 22、Elizabeth: he's been afool about so many things... but then, so have I.(伊麗莎白:他過去在很多事上都這么傻……不過我也是。)
  • 23、You can't fool me, I know about your secret plan!(你騙不了我,我知道你的秘密計(jì)劃!)
  • 24、Everything about you is known and you cannot fool anyone, or lie your way out of what you have done.(關(guān)于你們的每件事情都很清楚,你們無法愚弄任何人,或者撒謊想逃脫你所做過的一切錯(cuò)事。)
  • 25、This will make you happy about yourself because you have improved your social skills and made a complete fool out of the person you are talking to.(這會(huì)讓你很開心,因?yàn)槟闾岣吡俗约旱纳缃荒芰?,還讓跟你說話的人成了完完全全的傻子。)
  • 26、I can easily see - any fool would see it - that you've not breakfasted, as your teeth and mouth are absolutely clean, not a crumb about.(我輕輕松松就看到這些細(xì)節(jié)——任何傻瓜都看得見——你還沒吃過早餐,因?yàn)槟愕难例X和嘴角都很干凈,沒有一點(diǎn)兒面包屑。)

fool about基本釋義

fool about

英 [fu:l ??baut] 美 [ful ??ba?t] 
