
give the slip造句

give the slip造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:48


give the slip造句

  • 1、Just when you think you've got them figured out and rounded up, they give you the slip.(正當(dāng)我們以為我們已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)并圍護(hù)起污染源時(shí),它們又偷偷溜走了。)
  • 2、On his way to give a major economic speech lastThursday, Mr Turnbull stopped to shake the man'shand and slip some money into his coffee cup.(上周四,在特恩布爾正要去發(fā)表一個(gè)關(guān)于經(jīng)濟(jì)的重要演講途中,他停下來(lái)和該乞丐握手,并向他的乞討咖啡杯里投了一點(diǎn)錢(qián)。)
  • 3、Here is a withdrawal slip. Please give me 800 dollars in hundred and the rest in small change.(這是取款單。請(qǐng)給我800美元的百元鈔,其余的為小鈔。唫。)
  • 4、Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.(所以我們當(dāng)越發(fā)鄭重所聽(tīng)見(jiàn)的道理,恐怕我們隨流失去。)
  • 5、It pains me to be making fundamental life decisions for other people, so I try to give them the slip and they simply default to the company canteen.(為別人抉擇根基糊口題目讓我厭惡,是以我會(huì)設(shè)法主意甩失他們,這時(shí)他們就索性在公司食堂吃。)
  • 6、So it is summarized that the twin-shear unified yield criterion could not give a proper descriptions to the slip characteristics for the materials when yielding.(由此可見(jiàn),雙剪統(tǒng)一屈服準(zhǔn)則尚不能很好地描述材料屈服時(shí)的滑移特性。)
  • 7、But many enterprise mailbox exists in name only, the user to the enterprise mail can not get any response, the user not to give up, give up the business opportunities in this will slip away.(但很多企業(yè)的郵箱形同虛設(shè),用戶(hù)給企業(yè)的郵件根本得不到任何響應(yīng),最后用戶(hù)不得以而放棄,在這放棄之中商機(jī)也就隨之溜走了。)
  • 8、Should this deal interest you please do write me quickly to enable me give you the contact of the bank and the deposit slip so that you will contact them.(如果這筆交易感興趣請(qǐng)寫(xiě)信給我,讓我盡快給你聯(lián)系了銀行和存款單,讓你將與他們聯(lián)系。)
  • 9、Femininely crafted, the Megan slip-on will give your casual wardrobe a boost.(女性制作,梅根滑將給您的休閑衣柜推動(dòng)。)
  • 10、We're going to give him the pink slip tomorrow.(我們打算明天把他辭退。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、However, because the first 68 minutes of Russia goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev cause the ball slip into the goal net smash sell, give Korean a gift, so it makes the game back on track.(但由于第68分鐘俄羅斯隊(duì)門(mén)將阿金費(fèi)耶夫撲球脫手導(dǎo)致皮球滑入球門(mén),送給韓國(guó)人一份大禮,從而才使得比賽回到正軌。)
  • 12、I'd like to give you a blood test. Please take this slip to the laboratory and they will do you the test. It won't take long. You can wait for the results and bring it back to me.(我給你開(kāi)個(gè)血常規(guī),請(qǐng)你拿這個(gè)化驗(yàn)單去實(shí)驗(yàn)室,他們會(huì)給你檢查的,檢查時(shí)間很快,請(qǐng)你等待結(jié)果出來(lái)并把它帶到我這里。)
  • 13、Decked in female clothing — including a stripy top, black knee length skirt and high heels — Crute left Lincoln Crown Court hoping to give the cameramen the slip.(據(jù)報(bào)道,馬丁在走出林肯刑事法院時(shí),身穿條紋背心、黑色過(guò)膝長(zhǎng)裙和高跟鞋,指望能躲過(guò)記者的眼睛。)
  • 14、If you do not teach in a regular classroom with desks, stillgive the slip to the student.(如果你授課的教室學(xué)生并沒(méi)有固定的座位,還是把紙條交給他們。)

give the slip基本釋義