
grin and bear it造句

grin and bear it造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:42:56


grin and bear it造句

  • 1、As experienced by the dissimulator, the burden of effort may range from grin-and-bear-it at the easiest, through lip biting and muttering, to teeth-grinding determination at the most difficult.(對于偽善的人,做出努力的程度會從最簡單的逆來順受,到磨嘴皮,到輕聲報怨,到最困難的咬牙切齒的決心。)
  • 2、I know there are days when it just seems like nothing can go right and no matter how much you try togrin and bear it, things just keep getting worse.(我知道總有些日子讓你覺得一無是處,不管你如何嘗試著笑看人生或者勉強忍耐,有的日子好像總是變得更糟。)
  • 3、For my dream I willgrin and bear it, without complaint.(為了這個夢想我要任勞任怨不再滿腹牢騷。)
  • 4、We all know the feeling: you receive the kind of gift that you wouldn't choose for yourself in a million years. But you have togrin and bear it pretending that you love your new present.(我們都有這樣一種感觸:當收到一件自己絕不會選擇的禮物時,你仍要微笑接受并裝作很喜歡這份新禮物的樣子。)
  • 5、You mustgrin and bear it.(你必須強顏忍受。)
  • 6、They cannot stand the sight of each other, but they will just have togrin and bear it.(他們看都不想看對方一眼,但又不得不默默忍受。)
  • 7、There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have togrin and bear it.(對此我們無能為力,只好默默地忍受。)
  • 8、The Team Most Likely togrin and bear it: Bosnia and Herzegovina.(最有可能逆來順受的球隊:波黑。)
  • 9、Ah, well,grin and bear it.(淺笑著承受吧!)
  • 10、grin and bear it.(微笑著承受。)
  • 11、I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes you just have togrin and bear it.(我盡量明智地去處理這件事,但是不是很容易呢。有時你只能無怨地承受它。)
  • 12、My boss sometimes makes insulting remarks but I justgrin and bear it rather than risk losing my job.(我的老板經常說些侮辱性的話,但我只是苦笑忍受了,不去冒失業(yè)的風險。)
  • 13、Should I start looking for another job, or just try togrin and bear it? - Treading water?(我是否應該開始尋找下一份工作嗎,還是該試著忍受現(xiàn)在這份工作呢?)
  • 14、Or do you justgrin and bear it?(或者你只是在逆來順受的工作?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、I'llgrin and bear it.(我要逆來順受,忍氣吞聲強作歡笑。)

grin and bear it基本釋義

grin and bear it

英 [ɡrin ?nd b?? it] 美 [ɡr?n ?nd b?r ?t] 
